Chapter 26

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The doctor opens the door " she's gone.."

We can't get her back they're still trying but no heart beat and no breathing.

"NO!!!" I shout as Diana's crying

I turn around my head to the wall. I've lost it. I can't even..this is my fault. My fists are against the wall. Why couldn't it be me not her.

"Mam, it's time you may come in.." spoke a nurse

We slowly walk in and she's lying there lifeless cold and pale.

"Lydia please wake up baby..." cried Diana

The nurse comforts her.

"No she's not dead, keep trying!" I yell

"Please Alex just stop.." Diana spoke clearly

The last week there was the worst. Lydias family came up for the funeral I stayed with Diana for that week she was in so much distress as well as me. At the showing I get a message from Justin 'where the fuck have you been you're not answering my calls I'll fucking kill you if you don't show up soon!' At this point I could care less I turn my phone off and ignore everything. The room was filled with tears, photos and memories. Soon enough she was buried peacefully. I can't even think that it was true. It's now been three days since she passed. I have to leave for Canada in the morning. Diana has her sister and brother staying with her until she's stable. I'm visiting her grave for awhile before I go back. She doesn't have a gravestone at the moment yet, but she will and it'll be beautiful. I sit next to her grave in the grass and talk to her. Tell her that I'm going back and that I truly do love her, and that won't change ever. After an hour just talking and sitting I head back to Diana's to pack to leave.

"Diana I've gotta go." I said

"Oh hun.. thank you for everything and I'm so sorry." She began to cry and I hug her

"I'll come back to visit soon I hope."

"Thank you message me when you get back so I know you'll be okay too." Diana insisted as she wiped her tears

"Can you drop me off at the airport?"

"Of course don't want you walking."

That car ride was the worst yet it was very sad, however it was nice to know she was there for me.

"Let me know when you've made it home Alex."

"I will thank you Diana, for everything."

I shut the door and she drives off I wave goodbye and walk in to the airport through security and onto the plane.

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