Her Last Breathe

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 Her Last Breath

Rebecca was a normal 15 year old girl besides one thing. She was being bullied and it led her to something that you will never forget, let me tell you her story. Rebecca Sedwick and her best friend\girlfriend Koda Winsten were talking about what they did the night before. Then suddenly the most popular girl in the school walked behind them, the one that has been bullying Rebecca and Koda for what seemed like ages. Anna Brin said with a mean tone, ¨Hey gaywads.¨ Rebecca and Koda tried not to act like her words hurt them. Rebecca and Koda just move along. They go to the gym and sit down in the same place as always, in the cold, dark corner of the gym. Koda talks about her abusive mom and says,¨Yeah, my mom told me to do the dishes and I was in the middle of saying 'yes ma'am' and she hit me over the head with her clenched fist and gave me this black eye.¨ Rebecca responded with,¨ My mom don't care about me because we are dating.¨

Then Koda says aggravatedly, ¨Your mom needs to care about you! Just because we are dating each other does not give her the pleasure to unclaim you as her kid!¨ Then the teachers released the students to their classes. Koda and Rebecca get up and walk down the crowded hallway filled with students. They were dodging traffic and then all of a sudden they feel a cold hand on their backs. The hand forces them to the hard ground, Anna had pushed them both down. With a sarcastic laugh Anna says,¨ Sorry, I didn't see you there, idiots.¨ Then walks on with her group of popular girls. Rebecca picks up her stuff and then helps Koda get up. It was a rough day for both Rebecca and Koda because Anna just kept picking on them. That night as Rebecca went home and made herself some food, she went into her room and the voices in her head just kept talking and would not shut up. Finally Rebecca got the razor and started cutting her wrists, deeper and deeper into her skin. The blood was running down her skin like a waterfall, she was crying and thinking about death. Her mom walks in on her doing her ninth cut on her wrist and it startled Rebecca. Her mom was in shock to see what Rebecca was doing to herself. She screamed, ¨WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! QUIT CUTTING!!!¨ Rebecca replied in a shaky voice, ¨You made me this way.¨ At this point Rebecca had lost so much blood she was fading in and out of consciousness. Her mom called an ambulance to come get her. Rebecca doesn't know what happened, she woke up in the hospital and she looks to her right, an IV filled with smooth, red blood is carrying a tube and a needle into her skin. She looks to her left, her mom is sleeping in the hard, uncomfortable looking chair. After about an hour her mom wakes from her slumber and asks Rebecca why she was cutting. Rebecca starts crying and says,¨ Because you make me feel like I am nothing, I get bullied at school, And you don't approve of me and Koda dating-¨ Her mom cuts her off and says,¨ I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I like Koda I just don't approve of you being a lesbian. If she makes you happy then I will just have to deal with it.¨ Three days later they release Rebecca from the hospital and she goes to school. The first thing Anna says to her after missing four days of school is,¨ Why you skipping school you suicidal freak? Why don't you just go kill yourself so everyone can live in peace?!¨ Rebecca goes and cries and tells Koda what happened. Koda comforts her and says: ¨I'll come over today.¨ After school Koda went to Rebecca's house. They talk about death, within minutes they both have ropes around their necks. They kiss and hold hands and they both say,¨I love you.¨ Then they step off of the chair together. As they take their last breaths, Rebecca's mom hears something and sends Lillian (Rebecca's eight year old sister) to go see what they were doing. Lillian screamed in horror at what she just saw. Two bodies hanging, holding hands, her sister and her girlfriend both dead. Rebecca's mom runs in frantically. She is balling her head off and is calling the police. She can barely get the words out of her mouth,¨ M-m-my daughter committed suicide.¨ The police come and get everything taken care of. In a week both Koda and Rebecca's family go to their funerals. The morning after the emotional day of the funerals Rebecca's mom goes to the school and tells the principal what happened and tells about Anna bullying her precious little girl and her girlfriend. The principal ends up expelling Anna for making two students commit suicide. Rebecca's mom is very emotional and is a nervous wreck. She starts to be less abusive, so she doesn't lose her other daughter. As for Lillian, she will never forget what she saw that horrible, tragic night that her big sissy died. She starts a club for anyone who needs to talk about their struggles and helps them with any suicidal thoughts or actions. In Lillian's whole life she saved over 50 students from killing themselves. Anna could not quit thinking that it was her fault two people died and soon she had to be put in a mental asylum. She was driving herself to become insane. Rebecca's dad almost shot himself in the head but Lillian saved him. Everyone ended up to be crazy as rabid baboons. and slowly learned to cope with the death of Rebecca Sedwick and Koda Winsten. 

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