It Had To Happen

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If she only knew how much she really meant. She doesn't see her worth. She believes in something non existent; in her imagination. This beautiful girl does not see the point of living here in this cruel world. She wants to leave to her home in the sky. She wants to forever be at rest in the sky. Not to stress, not to cry, not to laugh, not to breathe, not to move. She would do anything to not have to stay in this horrible world alone. She just wants to leave and never return. She feels as if no one wanted her there anyways. She felt like she was no longer needed on this walk of life. She doesn't see the true beauty within her. She doesn't see her real self. She doesn't know that there is light within all of her darkness. She doesn't see any reason to be happy, to smile, or to even talk. No one listens, no one even tries to help her. She wants someone to go save her from herself, but she don't see anyone helping her throughout her troubling times. No one was there for her when it happened. Therefore, it was all her fault. And after it was over, she had no one to fall back on, she had nowhere to hide, no where to look and nowhere to run. She felt like she had no place to call home. She was getting cornered by her feelings and poisoned by her thoughts. It was all her fault. She couldn't help but take all the blame. The world turned it's back on her, so she turned her back on it. She felt like she was the only one lonely in the whole entire galaxy. She walks around expressionless looking at all the smiling faces. All the happiness they have. She just stares at all the best friends and couples wishing it was her. But what kills her the most is seeing the one she really loves with someone else. All she cares about is that one person, wishing the best for them. She wants to turn back time and go back to those beautiful moments with that one person. She knows they will never be the same. But she will never give up trying to be with that one person. She wants, no, CRAVES to feel their lips on hers one last time. She misses that person so much. Maybe too much, but seeing them with someone else and being happy kills her the most. Seeing them so happy and loving them just like they loved her. She wants to be the person they are with. She can't stand looking at their perfect little relationship. She now wants to avoid the person she loves because their happiness is killing her. ¨How are they so happy when I am crushed?¨ She asks herself. ¨What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment?¨ She knows what she did to deserve all the pain she's going through right now. She runs from her problems and pretends they don't exist She wants to escape from reality. She wants to leave. Just leave everyone and go live in the sky with her mother. She has been through so much already. She wants to just stop everything. She doesn't want to live in pain or sorrow anymore. She can't take it anymore. She has been alone for far too long. Darkness has taken it's course and selected a new victim, a new suspect, and that was her. She has separated from her happy self. A dark long path of only mistakes and pain are ahead of her. She steps away from the only happiness she has to a darker abyss. Her lover now hates her more than ever. She don't know what to do. Everything new she tries, fails. Everything she touches, dies. She is a horrible hunk of a human being. She is a failure. She can't bare this heavy load any longer. Everyone despises her existence. Everyone looks at her as the waste of space she feels like she is. She doesn't have a future, so why does she even try? She can't do it, she thinks about giving up everything. No one even cares about her well being. No one cares if she's alright or not. She has to lie to everyone and tell them she's fine when she's really not. She cries herself to sleep every night hoping there will be a better tomorrow. Hoping and praying that in the near future everything will be okay, but she knows it won't be. Nothing will ever be okay. She believes there is only one way out. One way out of all of her pain. That one little thing she has to do. That one thing that will get her out of all her pain and misery she lives in. That one thing that will change her life forever whether she likes it or not. That thing is suicide. Suicide is a very serious thing. Suicide will not get rid of your pain, it will only pass on your pain to someone else. But there is a funny side to suicide. The funny side to suicide is how fast you will be forgotten. It's so funny how fast people forget you're gone. They forget your name, where you came from, they even forget that you ever existed in their lives. And what's funnier about suicide is how many people actually show up to your funeral. So many ignorant people say they will always be there for you. That they will always care for you. That they are here no matter what Then they don't even show up to the funeral to pay their respects. They just kinda shrug it off, ¨Oh well, lost another one.¨ They say when they find out. No one cares whether you are dead or not. No one cares unless you are pretty or popular. No one will even remember you're gone in thess than a week. Isn't it so funny how fast she was forgotten. Isn't it funny how many people showed up to her funeral. The night she went through with the act was June 17th at 11:09pm. No one knew she was gone or dead. No one noticed for a while, and no one really cared either. The moment they actually found out, no tears were shed. No weeping or wailing. No one really cared. All the people said that they could be there for her no matter what are now pretending to be sad. When deep inside of them, they really couldn't care less that she was gone and never coming back. They were actually kind of happy she was gone. She was just a waste of oxygen to them. A big relief came over all of the students that told her to kill herself, ¨Finally.¨ they would say. No one remembered she was even ever alive after a week. No one ever talked about her after it happened. She was not important in any of their lives. Her last fighting breathe was another journey, we win some, we lose some. That's the way life works. She was remembered by yesterday and forgotten by tomorrow. 

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