8. Twitter Junkie

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*ok I have no idea how to use Twitter so bear with me please*

On the way to the first venue CC helped me set up a Twitter account.
He said that 'your part of the band now, so you need to be able to be reached by fans.'
My account was @raynebvb (if this account actually exists I'm going to die of laughter)

When I got my phone back I couldn't help but laugh, I already had seven followers. It didn't really suprise me when I saw my followers were the guys. The sixth and seventh ones were no other than my newest best friends, Mikey Way and Ray Toro.

Jake told me that we were going to be at the venue in about twenty minutes, which meant we were about four hours early. So to waste some time we went to a store where Andy was instantly noticed by a young girl that looked to be about ten.

"Excuse me.... Could I have a picutre?" she asked with a phone in her hand.

"Of course!" Andy said with a smile.

"Rayne, Could you take the picture?" Andy asked.

"Sure!" I replied a little too enthusiastically.
I took the picture on her phone, then quickly took one on my phone.

"Thank you!" the little girl said with a huge smile as I handed back her phone.

Andy looked at me and I quietly laughed.

"You should have seen her face when she first saw you. She took a double take." I giggled.

"That's what happens when you're part of a well known band, Rayne. People will start to ask for your picture too when they start to see you at events." Andy said looking at a Misfits shirt.

"Ok, whatever." I said smiling and rolling my eyes.

When Andy decided that he wanted the shirt he went to the checkout counter. On the way there I found a coffee mug that said 'Shut the Fuck up.' I smiled and took it to Andy to show him.
He laughed and put it in the counter.

When we got back to the tour bus I went on Twitter and posted the picture I had taken.

When we got back to the tour bus I went on Twitter and posted the picture I had taken

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Rayne @raynebvb
Met a young fan in a local shop


I sat backstage with Ashley as he put on his war paint. I watched as he put it on expertly not messing up once.


I felt eyes watching me and just shrugged it off.
I finished with my Warpaint and turned around and saw Rayne was messing with the tube of paint. I laughed and sat down next to her and started to paint her face.


I picked at the tube of paint that Ashley left sitting on a table. I heard him chuckle and footsteps come towards me.

*Adopted by Black Veil BridesWhere stories live. Discover now