4. Goodmorning

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Later that day, in the future I would call it the best day of my life, when I was done unpacking my few belongings the guys gave me a tour of the house.
Afterwords, we sat on the couch, watched some movies and played some games where the guys got to know a little more about me.

Questions like:

"So what is your favorite BVB album?"
"What's your favorite color?"
"Do you want some more popcorn?"
"Do you like Batman?" (you probably know who asked that)
"What is your favorite of our songs?"
"Who is your favorite band member?"

And I would answer:

"Set The World On Fire"
"Either black or red, note the hair."
"No Batman is shit." Andy's face dropped in horror. "I'm kidding... I'm kidding."
"Rebel Love Song."
"Not telling"

At the end of the night they probably knew everything about me. Everything except for my depression, but they would find out soon enough.

I woke up on CC's shoulder with his head on my head, a few hours later. I was still sitting on the couch. Ashley was laying on top of Andy's legs on the the floor and Jake and Jinxx were nowhere to be seen. They probably went up to their rooms.

I gently moved CC's head off mine, careful not to wake him. After successfully moving his head, I got off the couch before quickly and quietly moved through the minefield of limbs on the floor.

I felt something grab my foot and I fell. I looked and saw that Ashley must have grabbed my foot in his sleep. The noise instantly woke up Andy who was in mid snore.

"What was that?" He asked no one in particular in a scratchy morning voice.

"Sorry Andy."
Andy looked at me, now seeming fully awake, in confusion. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"Ashley kinda grabbed my foot....." I replied trying to get Ashley to let got.
Andy grabbed Ashley's sides (kinda like the tazer thing people do that I become victim to) and he instantly shot up. He still had my foot so I was kinda dragged a little toward them.

"What the hell man!" Ashley yelled. His face turned into one of confusion when he saw he was holding a foot. He followed my leg with his eyes until he saw it was me.

"Goodmorning." He said with a sleepy smile and laughed.

"Morning." I replied, staring up at the ceiling. I felt my foot hit the floor, signifying that Ashley must have let go of my foot.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and looked over. Jinxx stood there shirtless, looking panicked and wide awake. "What was that noise?"
"Me." I said laughing. "I kinda fell."

Jinxx shook his head and said. "I need coffee." Before walking into the kitchen.
"Me too." Andy said pushing Ashley off of him and followed Jinxx.

"Hey! What am I? A beanbag?" He yelled.
Andy just replied "Too early. Need coffee."

After everyone woke up around noon and got dressed for the day. I put on my last clean outfit I owned. A long sleeve Black Veil Brides shirt and a Deviant Jacket with black capris.

Ashley and CC took me shopping for some clothes and posters to decorate my room.

Andy, Jake, and Jinxx were going to stay home and rest for the interview that they had later that night, so we went in Ashley's car (I couldn't find what kind of car he drives and it just wouldn't work with a Motorcycle).

Ashley made CC sit in the back while I got shotgun. CC went between the front two seats and turned on the radio.
The all to familiar introduction came on the radio.
I didn't really think about what they would think if I sang, I just did it.

In the end, as we fade into the night (whoa!)
Who will tell the story of your life?
In the end, as my soul's laid to rest
What is left of my body?
Or am I just a shell?
I have fought
And with flesh and blood, I commanded an army
Through it all
I have given my heart for a moment of glory

In the end, as you fade into the night (whoa!)
Who will tell the story of your life? (Whoa!)
And who will remember your last goodbye? (Whoa!)
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid to die!

Born a saint
Though, with every sin I still wanna be holy
I will live, again
Who we are isn't how we live
We are more than our bodies
If I fall, I will rise back up and relive my glory

The car stopped at a red light.

In the end, as we fade into the night (whoa!)
Who will tell the story of your life? (Whoa!)
And who will remember your last goodbye? (Whoa!)
'Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

In the end, as you fade into the night (whoa!)
Who will tell the story of your life? (Whoa!)
And who will remember your last goodbye? (Whoa!)
'Cause it's the end, and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

Who will remember this last goodbye? (Whoa!)
'Cause it's the end, and I'm not afraid
I'm not afraid to die

I'm not afraid!
I'm not afraid to die!
Not afraid!
I'm not afraid to die!

The car was silent for a moment as CC and Ashley stared at me. I started to get uncomfortable and shifted in my seat.

"Wow! Do it again! Do it again!" CC yelled breaking the silence. I laughed and one of my favorite Panic! At the Disco songs came on.

Oh, well imagine
As I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor
And I can't help but to hear
No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words

"What a beautiful wedding
What a beautiful wedding, " says a bridesmaid to a waiter
"And, yes, but what a shame
What a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore."

I chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality
I chime in
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of......

Little did I know this was the beginning of something great

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