Chapter 3;2

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Alright. Chapter 4 should come out sometime in the next few days. I'd say... probably around the 26th of August.


I had failed the test. They were going to set me free! A lady walked into the room. "Apparently our calculations were wrong about you. You are not gifted." A breath of relief escaped my mouth. "However," the lady continued," you did score high enough to be on the higher end of the spectrum. You will not be put to death. At least, not today. The caretakers will be here soon to prepare you for your future. Tomorrow, you will be sent to Arreznor to begin your... transformation, of sorts. You will spend as long as needed at Arreznor, then you will be sent to Elizaba where your transformation will be complete and you will finish your life in a Government-controlled facility where you will be the test subject. You are no longer Hailey though. You are the start of a new project the government is working on. Now, wait here for your transport to arrive. "Wait!" I called as the lady left. "My family. My mom, my sister..." "They will be alerted of your... future... soon. Their memories will be altered so that they do not remember you." "Wait... what? No!" I cried. The lady walked out. "No! Wait! Please!" I cried. Tears fell down my face. I stood up and chased after the woman just as the door closed. I was trapped. I was never going to see my family again.


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