Chapter 1;1

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A/N: So this is Part 1 of the first chapter. I know it's kind of confusing. This is just so I can keep the chapters shorter without having 6 or 7 chapters on one topic. Instead, I split the chapters into parts.

Also, sometimes the parts will be written from different points of view. Some will be written from one girl (Ellie, in this case), and some will be from the other girl (Hailey).


"Hawk, Ava." A voice called. The girl next to me stood up nervously stood up and walked towards the door that had opened. It was her turn to take the test. My name would be called next. I shivered and looked over at my sister Hailey. "You can do this, Ellie." She whispered to me. "Do what we practiced." I gazed into her icy blue eyes. "Why wouldn't I?" I answered quietly. "Hawthorn, Ellie." The voice called. Calmly, I stood up and walked towards the door. I looked back and saw Hailey smiling at me encouraging. With my stomach tied up in knots, I walked though the doorway to the testing room.

"Welcome, Ellie Hawthorn. Please sit down in the testing seat." The cool voice sounded. Calmly, I sat down in the chair. I was surprised - there was no desk for us to take a written test on. I rested my head on the back of the chair. Pain shot though my arm as a needle stabbed it. "Test starting in 3, 2, 1." The voice called. The room went black.


A/N: Before you ask, yes. The test is inspired by Divergent.

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