Chapter 1;2

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A/N: Alright. So this is the last part of the story I will be posting today. Chapter 2 (both parts) will be posted sometime next week. (8/11) Until then, don't forget to vote for this story and leave me a comment telling me what I could add to the story!

Also! Leave a comment telling me what you think will happen next in the story!


Lights. They were blinding me. I quickly covered my eyes to protect myself from the light. Heat surrounded me. I looked up, and saw fire everywhere. There was a bucked of water next to me. A non gifted student would throw the water everywhere to try and stop it. A gifted student would use the water to clear a path for them to escape through. I picked up the bucket and threw it, dumping the water everywhere. The fire dampened, but not much. I panicked. The fire grew closer. Suddenly, it was extinguished. The darkness was pushing in on me. I felt wood in my hands. I rubbed them together to try and make a fire. Nothing happened. I felt my lungs closing up - there was no oxygen. I screamed for help, but nothing happened. I was losing oxygen - fast. I dipped down to the floor. I was dying. Suddenly, I took a deep breath. There was light. I was alive. Someone was walking towards me. "Hello, Ellie." The figure stared. The voice was cold and harsh. I shivered in spite of myself. "Who... who are you?" I asked. "Nobody. Somebody. What does it matter?" "I mean it. Who. Are. You." I yelled strongly. I stared at the figure. "Again, what does it matter?" "It... it doesn't I guess. It tells me if I can trust you, I guess." I murmured. "Why would you need to trust me? I'm just a figure." The figure told me. I had to keep this act up. This was the main test. If I screwed this up, I was going to die. "I... I don't know." I murmured. "What am I even doing here..." I rubbed my head to reinforce the act. The lights came up, and the figure was Hailey. "You can't do this." She sneered. "Hailey... what do you..." I whispered as I looked up at you. "You are the smartest person in the world." She told me coldly. "What you should do is DIE." She smirked at me and began to walk away. I stood up. "Well, thanks for the compliment, but I know I'm not the smartest person in the world. You are." I told her coldly. Everything faded away, and the room came back. 


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