Chapter 3;1

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A/N: I'M SO SORRY!!! I've been spending a ton of time perfecting this next chapter of Gifted. But... most of my time has gone to the new book I'm a part of called Cursed Brothers. It hasn't been posted yet since we do want to post everything at one time, but we are super excited about releasing it soon!

ALSO! These two chapters are from Hailey's perspective. CHANGING IT UP A BIT! Anyways, don't forget to leave a vote if you enjoy the chapter, and leave some constructive criticism in the comments!


I passed the test... I had done it.

Tears fell down my face as I was forced from the room. I was going to die. I had just barely passed the test, even though I had tried so hard to fail. I was going to die tonight. They shoved me into a chair. I knew what was going to happen. I was going to be tortured. Everything I loved was going to be taken from me. They wanted information. They underestimated us though. We were just as smart they were, possibly even smarter. That didn't mean we were strong though. I knew what came first. They would give us multiple tests to make sure we were actually gifted. If we didn't pass those tests we would just be given hard labor. I knew what I had to do. A desk materialized in front of me, and the tests began.

The questions were of varying difficulty. Some were extremely easy. Those I answered wrong, as I made multiple errors to get the wrong answer. The harder ones I spent forever trying to work out, but I 'couldn't' figure them out. After long hours of work, I finally finished. The tests and desk disappeared, leaving me in an empty room.


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