Chapter 2

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I could hear muffled noises in the room. At first I was confused and then it all came back to me. I wish it hadn't though because now I have to go through the pain of knowing what had happened. my soul mate and love of my life is dead and my mother just beat me up while saying the most horrendous things too me. My life is a disaster.

I wish I could just go back to being asleep. Or I wish I could of stayed in that on moment were nothing in the outside world or in my head existed. Now I am living in my own hell. That's even before I open my eyes.

The voices start becoming clearer and more annoying by the second. "Can you shut up I have the most killer headache". for a second everything went quiet until I heard a high pitched girly squeak, I knew instantly who the culprit was even before they hugged my and spoke. "Oh my god, Rose you're awake. I'm so glad, you've been out for a week. after I healed you, you were so worn out and we didn't want to injure the baby so the put you in a coma. they brought you out this morning and now you're awake. Dr Olendski said you can go as soon as you wake up if you feel up to it. If you do it's dinner so we can go get food. I'm sure you are staving. Eakk. I'm going to be an Aunt. I'm so happy for you Rose.....".

She started asking me questions about the baby, the baby's father and how I'm feeling. But I was so overwhelmed with grief, joy, despair and I was so confused that I broke down. I cried because Dimitri is dead, I cried because my mother hates me, I cried because I was having a miracle baby, I cried because my baby would grow up without a father. but most of all I was scared for my and for my child; what if I'm not strong enough? What if I'm a bad mother? What if I cant be a guardian?

but I was also determined; determined not to end up like my mother, to make this baby feel loved, to give my baby the chance and life it deserves. I would get through this and I would be strong. If not for me then my miracle that I will be carrying for the next 9 months. If my calculations were correct then I am 2 weeks along. Suddenly I had the erg to ask some questions

" Liss?" I asked. "Yeah Rose?" She seemed worried. "Can I ask you some questions?" She seemed to brighten up at this but I didn't. I decided ask all my questions at once, then get my answers.

" Here it goes;

What happened to my mother or what is going to happen? Can we find out who my dad is? How do you know I'm pregnant? Why are you so happy? Can we stay here after graduation because I want to be with my child and my surrogate mother- by the way Alberta can I call you mum because I have always seen you that way and I don't have one now? Also what are the new updates since I've been unconscious for a week?"

Alberta was in tears and ran to me, giving me a really big hug. "Of course you can my Rose as long I can have the pleasure of calling you my daughter. I will let Lissa answer the rest while I get you clothes and sort out the discharge papers and adoption papers!!" We were both crying tears of happiness and I gave her a confident nod.

A minute later she kissed my head before leaving the room. I turned to Liss who looked like she just won the lottery. Then she started answering my questions. "Well you're mo.. I mean Janine is being locked up until you say she is free to go. Your dad was called right after the incident and told everything and he got on his private jet straight here. He was in Turkey at the time and he dropped everything to be here. I will let him explain everything when you are ready. I'm happy for many reasons, like my best friend being alive, pregnant and I'm going to be an aunt and of  course we can stay here after graduation. That is also one of the reasons I am happy because 1. we can stay together after graduation and 2. me, you, Christian, Eddie, Adrian,  and Mia have all been offered jobs here for after we graduate. I'll update you in the cafeteria because the others are already there and its a long story. So hurry!!!"

Just then mama(Alberta) came back with my clothes, things I need to freshen up and papers. I signed the papers and I was allowed to change my name. Now I am Roza Rhea Mazur. I had met my baba and he explained that my mother ran away with my when I was a baby and threatened to hand me over to his enemies if he came close to me. I was furious. I am now called Roza because Dimitri called me that, Rhea because it was Lissa's mother's name. when I showed her the papers she cried for a good 10 minutes. On the way to the cafeteria mama scurried off saying she forgot something and Lissa dragged me to the other who were already eating. Before going to the table I grabbed some doughnuts. When I sat down I could tell they were hiding something from me and before I had chance to ask. my own question was answered and........


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