nightmares [chase elliott]

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word count: 801
requested by: hes245
summary: Kennedy & Chase's three year old daughter has a nightmare
warnings: Chase as a father, you have been warned
date published: September 21, 2017 / 11:22 pm
authors note: so most of my chapters & imagines from now on are gonna be shorter so I can post more frequently // & look @ that lil goofball


A light knocking sound filled my ears and I slowly opened my eyes. Black nothingness filled my vision until my eyes slowly adjusted to the small light coming from the Bill Elliott nightlight on the wall. The small knock was heard again, this time causing Chase to sit up in bed. "Is it Emma?" I yawned. He nodded slowly, rubbing one of his eyes with his hands. We had stayed up late last night to go over his previous races at Homestead so he would know what to improve on for the championship.

I began to remove the covers from my body so I could go get the door but Chase placed his hand on my thigh, stopping me. "I got it, baby." I smiled and kissed his cheek softly. He got up and took long strides over to the door. He turned the door knob and knelt down in front of Emma. His large body blocked my view but I could hear her soft sobs and sniffling over the silence of the room. My heart ached as Chase hummed softly to her and wiped away her tears. "It's okay Em." He whispered softly into her ear as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her softly in arms.

"Hey baby. Whats wrong?" I cooed as she climbed out from Chase's arms where he placed her on the bed. She crawled over to me and laid down next to me. "I had a nightmare Mommy. It was scary." She spoke softly. "It's okay, angel. You're okay. What was it about?" I looked up at Chase, looking for some kind of hint. He let out a sigh and ran his hand through his curls, shaking his head. I had an idea what this was about but I didn't want to be right.

"Daddy," she cried. "He ran into the wall. He wasn't okay. He was gone." She sniffled. My heart broke at the thought of Chase dying in a wreck. I scooped her up into my arms and sat up, rocking her back and forth. Chase sat down next to us, placing one hand on my back and one of Emma's. She looked up at him and sniffled. She jumped from my lap to his. Chase smiled softly and wrapped his large arms around her small fragile body. "Hey Em, wanna sleep with Mommy and Daddy tonight?" She looked up at him and nodded quickly, causing her pig tails to bounce up and down.

A small smiled played on my lips when Chase sent me a wink. I rolled eyes and stuck out my tongue. He grinned and picked up Emma in her arms, holding her above the bed. She giggled and I couldn't resist the urge to tickle her. My fingers danced across her side and her stomach. She kicked her feet in the air, trying to wriggle out of Chase's grip. A grin spread on Chase's face as he laughed at her. Finally I stopped and Chase set her down.

She jumped up and grabbed a pillow, covering herself. We both laughed and took the pillow from her, putting it back against the headboard. "Time for bed missy, you have school tomorrow." I smiled. She frowned but obeyed. I pulled the covered down and she stretched out her short legs under the covers. I pulled them back up over her and kissed her left cheek. Chase bent down over her and kissed her right cheek, sending me a wink. He pulled down the covers next to her and climbed under them. "Tuck me in?" He asked with a pouty face.

Emma giggled and looked at me with a grin. I shook my head, laughing. I hopped off of the bed and walked around the large king sized bed to Chase's side. I giggled to myself as I pulled the covers up over him. "You have to give him a goodnight kiss!" Emma giggled. I stuck my tongue out at her and kissed Chase's lightly softly, knowing Emma wouldn't like it. "Ew!" She squealed and covered her eyes. We laughed and I climbed over Chase to get to my side.

"Goodnight Emma, Goodnight Mommy." Chase said quietly. Emma answered quickly. "Goodnight Daddy, Goodnight Mommy." "Goodnight Daddy, goodnight Emma." I smiled and sighed happily at me little family. Chase wrapped his arms around Emma causing her to giggle. She smiled at me and closed her eyes. Soon snores came from her lips. I sighed at the sight of my cute little family. I looked over at Chase who was laying with Emma peacefully. I was about to tell him how thankful for him I was but a loud snore came from his lips, causing me to roll my eyes and smile to myself. Oh, how I loved my little family.

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