reunited [william byron]

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word count: 1374
requested by: Love4Losers28
summary: William's friend Katie surprises him for his debut
warnings: n/a
date published: August 16, 2017 / 1:12 am


Honey are you ready to go?" My mother asked excitedly. I took as deep breath as she pulled up to the race track. "Well you better be, because we're here and I'm not waiting for you. I'm going to the beach!" My dad sassed, pumping his fists excitedly. "Yeah, okay. Thanks dad." I laughed. "Michael, show a little sympathy. She's nervous! We all know she used to have the crushies on Will." I blushed and glared at my mom, begging for her to stop talking.

My dad groaned, shaking his head. "Yeah, that's exactly why I don't think they should be spending so much time together and sleeping in the same house, but I got overruled." I rolled my eyes and pushed open the car door. I heard my mother defending me from inside the car. "Oh please, Michael. They're both twenty years old now. I think they can make mature decisions." He just grumbled and brushed it off. I rolled my eyes and threw my duffel bag over my shoulder and unplugged my phone from the car charger.

My mom rolled down her window with a large smile. "Remember he's in motorhome B28 and he isn't expecting you. Have fun and don't spend too much money." I just laughed. "Thank you mom. Have fun at the beach. As much as I want to go, I'd rather catch up with William." She nodded and I leaned down to let her kiss my cheek. "Bye guys! Love you!" I called as they drove away.

I walked down the large sidewalk and to the entrance. There was a security guard standing at the ticket entrance, wearing a yellow shirt. "Pass?" He asked gruffly. "Oh, um," I pulled my phone out of my jean pocket that I had shoved it into and opened up Facebook to find where Dana Byron send me a PDF of all of the passes I needed. "Is this the one I need?" I asked him, showing him my phone screen.

He shrugged. "That'll do. You need that one to get in the pits but to get this one you need the one needed to get through here, so you can go on in." I smiled. "Thanks. If you can't tell I'm not very well put together." He chuckled and moved to let me through. I sighed and pulled out my phone to call Will. We've called and talked to each other every week since I moved to Miami from Charlotte when we were fifteen. We talked more often when we were younger, but of course we still talk now. I usually call him once a week and I was due for a call.

He picked up on third ring. "Hey! Sorry I took so long to answer, I just finished up a team meeting with Dale and the team." He's such a sweetheart. "No it's totally cool. So let's say hypothetically, you just finished a team meeting. Where would you go?" He was silent for a fw seconds. "Um, I'm going to my motorhome. That's a weird question." I laughed as I showed a security guard my infield pass. "It wasn't a question. It was a hypothetical scenario." He laughed back. "First of all, it was a question, and second of all what inspired the 'hypthetical scenario'?"

I coughed and glanced around at the signs, looking for one that pointed to the motorhomes. "So continuing on the hypothetical scenario. If you're at Daytona and you're headed to the motorhomes, which way are you going?" "You didn't answer my question." I laughed. "Same goes for you. I'm just trying to imagine living the life of the one and only William McComas Byron II." He chuckled and I could almost envision him shaking his head.

"Well, the motorhomes are right in front of the start/finish line so I was over there from whoever's hauler we're at." I hummed. "So now the you're done asking weird questions, how is church camp?" I was about to ask what he was talking about but I remembered that was the lie I had told him in order to surprise him. The last few years he's been coming I legitimately couldn't go but this time my schedule was clear. "Oh, it sucks. I wish I could be standing at Daytona right by the motorhome sign." I grumbled as I searched for the sign pointing me towards the long line of motorhomes.

"Well, if you were here I would help you find the motorhomes!" He laughed into the phone. "Thanks." I laughed. My eyes found the sign with a large arrow pointing supposedly to the motorhomes. "Hey, I have to go pray to the Lord now but I'll talk to you later today, okay? Good luck tomorrow!" I said quickly and hung up. I didn't even bother to let him say goodbye and I ran to the sign. I peered around the small building and saw the motorhomes. I cheered excitedly and readjusted the duffel bag on my shoulder and I passed all of the cup driver's homes which began with A. My eyes glanced from number to number until they finally fell upon the right motorhome. B28.

I nearly let out a squeal as I ran up to it. Deciding to mess with him a bit, I set my duffel bag down on the step and knocked loudly on the door. I hid behind the corner of the motorhome, out of view in the shadows. I heard him open the door and call out, "Hello? Anyone there?" I covered my mouth to soften my giggle. He bent down and messed around with the duffel bag. He must have seen my name on the tag because he threw my bag into the motorhome and closed the door behind him. "Katie!" I grinned and tried to stay behind the wall but I couldn't hold myself back any longer and I revealed myself from the shadows.

"Katie? Is it really you?" He breathed. I nodded and bit my lip, running up and wrapping my arms around him. His arms enclosed around me and he chuckled into my. "Guess I should've known you wouldn't miss this weekend for a church camp." I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, that wasn't too smart on your part." He pulled away and smiled. "You're still just as short as you were five years ago." I scoffed and slapped his chest. "You better watch your mouth! I can go home!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his motorhome.

"How'd you get in here? How'd you get passes?" I smiled and ploopped down on the couch. "It sounds so stupid, but my mom messaged your mom on Facebook." Will laughed, joining me on the couch. "They're getting so old." I nodded and looked at the television, trying to see what game he was playing. "It's Zelda, but I can switch it." I laughed. "How about a movie? Still not that into video games." He shrugged. "Whatever you want my lady." I rolled my eyes, grinning.

"I got it." He shot me a grin and pulled up Netflix. He scrolled down the animated movies section and picked out Monsters Inc. "Still my favorite Disney movie." He smiled and joined me on the couch. He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned into his chest, feeling his heart beat. "It's so great to have you here. When are you leaving?" I smiled and cuddled into his side, trying to ignore the quickened heartbeat we both suffered from. "Monday morning. I wouldn't miss your Monster Energy Cup debut for the world."

He grinned and squeezed my shoulder. "To be honest it's a huge stress relief that you're here because my crew chief told me I could go visit you the week after I get my first top ten, so now that you're here there's not as much pressure." I gasped and slapped his chest. "You better still come visit me!" He laughed and nodded. "Don't worry! I want to see you as much as possible." I smiled. "Good. It's so great to see you." He nodded. "I'm so happy you're here. I'll have to call your mom and thank her." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, you do that."

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