belgium [chase elliott]

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word count: 963
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summary: Khloe, Chase, and Ryan used the off week to travel to the F1 race in Belgium
warnings: cringy bc I haven't written in year?? also a weird 3rd person thing going on??? so tell me what ya think about that
date published: September 19, 2017 / 9:47 pm
authors note: feedback on this pov would be appreciated, sorry it's not my best but I really needed to post


"We're here!" Khloe squealed and jumped up and down excitedly. The two boys chuckled at her but couldn't deny they were also excited. This was Khloe's first time out of the country so Chase and Ryan were determined to make this her best vacation ever. They, well mostly Mrs. Elliott, planned a trip through Europe on the off week which ended with a Formula 1 race in Belgium. Chase surprised Khloe by putting the plane tickets under her pillow. She was thrilled to learn that her week would be spent traveling Europe with her boyfriend and best friend.

"Come on, let's go find our seats." Ryan whined. As much as he enjoyed spending time with his best friends, their constant lovey dove actions were starting to wear him out. "Let's just get some food man. Don't wanna watch hungry." Chase chuckled, letting his deep Georgian accent out. "Wanna just meet at our seats?" Khloe asked as she swung their intertwined hands back and forth. Ryan nodded and glanced at his ticket before following the signs to his seat.

"Want a salted pretzel, babe?" Chase smiled to her. She nodded and kissed his cheek to thank him silently. He grinned and sighed happily as they stood in line. Everybody bustled around them as people scurried to their seats and stood in line for food, but all Chase could think about was how happy he was that he was traveling the world with his beautiful girlfriend. Khloe admired him happily as he pulled his wallet out of his jeans and

Meanwhile, Ryan was struggling to find his seat through the crowds of people trying to find their seats all at once. Turns out it wasn't just the party of cup drivers who were behind schedule. But Ryan had convinced himself that it wasn't his fault that the trio was late leaving the hotel. It was Khloe's fault for complimenting Chase on his "nice southern outfit," which caused a not so quick make out session that Ryan begrudgingly had to witness.

He sighed happily as the two came out from under the stands with their food. He waved them over and the trio sat impatiently as the prayer was said. At last they started up their engines and began to make their way around the track. Khloe looked up at Chase excitedly and squeezed his arm, causing him to grin. "I have my money on Hamilton!" He laughed, rolling his eyes playfully. "Sorry honey bunches, Vettel is the way to go." She looked him up and down slowly before shaking her hand and focusing her attention back on the track.

After a few cautions Khloe let out a wide yawn. Although the racing was exciting, she only got to see them when the passed right in front of them, so her attention on the race was a little clouded by the wave of tiredness that had suddenly hit her. "Tired babe?" Chase frowned to her. She nodded and immediately covered her yawning mouth with her hand. "Only a few more laps, then we get to go back to the hotel and snuggle." She kissed her cheek softly before focusing her attention back on the track because of the sound of the cars coming from the distance.

Chase watched humorously as Ryan attempted to 'smoothly' put his arm around the girl next to him that he had been chatting it up with all night. Inside Ryan's heart was beating a thousand miles a minute but to Khloe and Chase you watched him play out his emotions, he looked as cool as could be. "Remember when we were in that awkward stage?" Chase whispered in Khloe's ear causing both of them to giggle. She nodded and intertwined their fingers. "Now it's RyRy's turn." He nodded and placed a soft kiss on her temple.

The race concluded with Hamilton crossing the finish line first, causing Khloe to let out a loud cheer. "I don't you! My man never let's me down!" She grinned. Chase laughed, a devilishly plan coming to mind. "You're right, babe. Your man doesn't let you down." Khloe squealed loudly, earning some ugly stares from the people around them, as Chase stood in front of her and pulled her onto his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck to keep herself from falling. He grinned as he bounded down the steps of the bleachers.

Ryan laughed as he watched the pair journey down the steps. He turned to his new 'friend' and gave her a look of sympathy. "Looks like my party is leaving without me." She smiled at him, giving him permission to go. "But I really enjoyed tonight. Keep in contact?" She grinned and kissed his cheek softly. They exchanged numbers and Ryan left her with a more uplifted heart than when he first walked into the stands.

He met the couple at the car and they were still to of breath from laughing during the 'joy ride'. "Did you say goodbye to your girl?" Chase teased Ryan. "Yeah, I did. But she's not my girl." He blushed in the darkness of the rental car. "Not yet." Chase smirked. Khloe laughed and rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. "Just let him be." She laughed. "Thank you!" Ryan yelled. "This is his one opportunity to get a girl, let him enjoy it!" She giggled. "Hey!" He pouted.

"Before Ryan's new girl starts a civil war, I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm really happy I got to travel through Europe with you guys." Chase sent her a soft grin and reached over to grab her hand. "I'm glad I got to be your first time across the country." He winked. Ryan let out a loud gag, causing everyone to burst out with laughter.

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