rain kisses [chase elliott]

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word count: 1614
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summary: when Sarah, Chase, and some friends head to the pool on a rainy day
warnings: language
date published: August 26, 2017 / 11:59 pm
authors note: this is so cute omg I hope you liked it sarah


"Do we have everything?" Chase asked me as he twisted the door knob to open the front door. "Yep. I think so at least. We just have to get those bafoons to hurry up." I laughed. He groaned and began tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. "Ryan! Get your ass down here! You too Darrell!" He yelled. "And Amanda." I whispered, giggling. He smirked and called out again, "You too Amanda!" We heard her groan loudly, causing us both to laugh. "Back off my girlfriend Chase!" Bubba yelled. I rolled my eyes and shifted impatiently.

"We'll just leave without you!" I yelled upstairs. "No you won't Sarah!" Bubba yelled back. I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest, sighing. "Back off my girlfriend!" Chase joked. I rolled my eyes, but smiled at him softly. He placed a kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear softly. "Let's leave without them." I bit my lip and nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door, shutting it softly behind us. Our flip flops squeaked as we hopped in the car and tossed our pool bag in the back. "Start the engine." I giggled. He smiled and did as he was told.

Soon enough the three slow pokes walked out the door and Chase began to drive away slowly. They all started screaming and running after us, causing Chase and I to hunch over laughing. "Oh, let them in." I laughed. I pressed the button to roll down my window so I could yell out to them. "Hurry up next time!" I yelled. Ryan rolled his eyes and climbed in, followed by the two lovebirds holding hands. "Next time don't leave without us." Ryan sassed. I rolled my eyes. "Oh please. Don't even try to mess with me." He groaned but said nothing, knowing I was right.

Amanda reached up to the front, changing the station to pop. I scoffed and quickly switched it back to country. "I don't think so!" She groaned but remained in her seat. "Who's ready to party?" Chase exclaimed. He looked over at me, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, admiring all of the beautiful houses along the way to the pool. "There's gonna be like, no one here. I mean have you seen the sky?" Amanda laughed. Ryan grinned, pumping his fists in the air. "More fun for us!"

I rolled my eyes and glanced over at Chase. He had a wide grin on his face and was shaking his head. His light scruff complimented the backwards Angels cap that he had on. Small butterflies erupted in my stomach at the sight of him. I quickly turned away and focused my eyes back at the window. "Who's idea was it for the five of us to move in again?" Bubba joked. Amanda elbowed him in the arm, causing us all to laugh. "Do you not like living with me?" She scoffed. He rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek softly. Ryan made gagging noises, causing Chase and I to laugh.

"We're here!" Amanda cheered as we rolled into the parking lot. Just as we had assumed, it was empty. They didn't even bother having a lifeguard because it was a Tuesday night. We all climbed out of the car and grabbed our things before running to the gate to enter the passcode. We quickly threw our bags down on the table and I put up the umbrella as the rest of them jumped in. Chase waited for me, like the gentleman he is. "Ready, darling?" I nodded and grabbed his outstretched hand.

We walked down the steps and into the slightly chilly water. I shivered and Chase smirked. "Don't!" I whined. He shrugged and flicked the water with his hand, spraying me with droplets. I scoffed and let go of his hand quickly. I waded further into the water to get away from him, but I had no such luck. He wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up. I kicked violently, squealing for him to put me down. "If you say so!" He laughed and dropped me into the water. I quickly shut my eyes as the water surrounded me. I came back up quickly and splashed him violently.

He screamed ran away, trying to push past the water. I was embarrassed to say the water was winning. "You can't get away from me that easily!" I giggled and pounced onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He instinctively wrapped his arms around my legs to support me. "You're lucky I love you." He breathed. I smiled and kissed the side of his cheek. "I love you too." I smiled, trying to catch my breath.

"What if I dropped you?" He asked through laughter. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Well, that'd be stupid because I wouldn't let go and then I'd choke you. It'd be a lose-" He cut me off by letting go of my legs, causing me to shriek. "No!" I squealed. He laughed and grabbed my legs again. I removed one of my arms from his neck and slapped his back. "You bitch!" I scolded. He laughed and set me down on the edge of the pool. "I'm gonna go play some hoops with the boys, okay?" He asked softly, sending me a smile. I nodded and waved goodbye. I watched as he swam over to them and pulled Bubba off of Amanda so they could play. Amanda groaned and immediately made her way towards me.

I smiled as she pulled herself out of the water and sat on the edge next to me. "A little chilly out here?" She laughed, rubbing her hands along her arms. "Ha, yeah." I laughed and did the same thing. We watched Ryan hop out of the pool and grab a basketball from the bin under the shelter. He ran back to the pool and attempted to toss it into the hoop as he jumped in. HE failed miserably, causing Amanda and I to laugh. "This is why you're single!" I yelled. He scoffed and splashed water in our direction. Chase sent me a thumbs up, adding to our laughter.

Our laughter died down and the boys started playing a game of horse. Amanda and I made stupid commentary as the boys failed miserably. Chase shot me a few funny looks throughout the game, causing both Amanda and I to laugh. "Hey Sarah?" Amanda asked quietly. "Yeah?" I nodded and turned to her. She had a worried expression on her face which worried me. "Bubba has been getting much more clingy lately, as you can probably tell." I laughed and nodded. "I read that that's one of the signs he's gonna want sex soon. But I'm still a virgin, and I'm not ready." She said quickly, fiddling with her hands.

I sent her a sympathetic smile, squeezing her knee gently. "If the moment comes up I'm sure he'll ask if you're ready. He's a gentleman. But even if he doesn't ask and he just assumes you're ready, stop him and tell him you're ready. You and I both know he's not just in it for the sex, so I'm sure he'll be more than willing to wait for you. And if he isn't you can dump his ass because you deserve someone who is willing to wait for you to be ready." I explained to her.

She smiled widely and pulled me in for a hug. "Thanks Sarah. Don't tell anybody, but meeting you is the best part f our relationship." She joked. I laughed and rolled my eyes, leaning back on my hands. "I'm always here for ya." I smiled. She grinned and gave me a small side hug before focusing her attention back on the boys.

Just as Chase's shot swished through the hoop I felt a raindrop land on my nose. I squealed and looked up at the sky. The dark grey cloud that was looming around the neighborhood all afternoon was directly over the pool. A loud boom of thunder caused me to jump. A whole ocean of rain droplets began to pour down on us, causing Amanda and I to shriek. We jumped up and ran under the umbrella to protect ourselves from the ice cold rain drops. The boys tried to continue playing but gave up. They hopped out and ran over to us, grabbing they're towels. I wrapped mine around me, chattering quietly.

Chase chuckled and sent me a smirk. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him out from underneath the umbrella. "He placed his hands on my jaw, kissing me forcefully. I interlocked my hands around his neck and threw myself into the kiss that I'd been dreaming of ever since The Notebook. "How was that?" Chase mumbled when he pulled away. I bit my lip and nodded. "Even better than I imagined." I mumbled. He smiled and kissed me again gently. "We should go get in the car now, though." He laughed.

I nodded and allowed him to grab my hand as we followed the group back to the car. We made a mad dash and bounded into the dry car quickly. I let out a shiver as I closed the door. "Will this help?" Chase smiled, holding out his soft cotton sweatshirt. I nodded and took it happily. I pulled it over my body and buckled in. Amanda and Bubba argued over something stupid like how he doesn't give her his jackets as Chase pulled out. The rain beat against the windows softly, lulling me into a wave of calmness.

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