Chapter Six - What Happened?

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After several failed attempts of trying to get you off of his bed, Sam decides to try another method.

"Tell me what happened," he says tiredly, openly sighing.

"Oh, you want to know what happened?" You reply, raising your voice by just a little--your annoyance returning. "I'll tell you what happened!"

Sam closes his laptop and rests an elbow on the table to prop his chin in his hand. He looks at you, putting on an expressionless face and ready to listen.

"He took me out to the outskirts of the city next to some random forest where he proceeded to sexually assault me in his car."


"I told him to quit, all I wanted was to talk. He doesn't seem to understand that and then he just got pissed off and treated me as if I were a fool."

Sam listens to you, not saying anything. Not like he really knew what to say anyway.

"Of course, I said that YOU would have known what I wanted, Sam," you say, looking directly at him at this point. "I just wish he was as understanding and patient as you."

Great, Sam thinks, mentally groaning. She brought my name into this. No wonder he was getting an attitude with me, too.

"Well, um, you know Dean..." he starts, giving a nervous chuckle. "He's the hotheaded one--"

"He's an ass," you blatantly interrupt.

"...y-yes, yes, he is," he nods, agreeing with you just to please you, and hoping that this wouldn't get back to Dean or he'd have his ass kicked for sure.

"And oh, don't try to tell me to go apologise or call him and get him to come back to the room. I don't care if he sleeps in the car, that was his decision."

At this Sam lets out an audible groan, "All right, I understand that you're mad but we can NOT sleep in the same bed!"

"Then you can sleep in his."

"Ugh..." Sam muttered something under his breathe before finally giving in.

I'd Rather We Talk (Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now