chapter twelve: pans.

Start from the beginning

"COLBY, STOP OR I'LL PUNCH YOU, YOU IDIOT!" she yelped, and i spared her, letting go of her side.

i realized that in the process of that tickle fight i had pulled her closer to me, and before i could comprehend what was happening she looked up, grabbed my neck, pulled me in and kissed me. she snuck a hand up into my hair and took a handful into her small grasp as i lifted my hands from her sides to her face, cupping it like last time.

"woah, keep it pg, guys," i heard sam chuckle as he entered the living room and put on the tv.

we pulled away and i blushed even worse than she did. why am i always the one more nervous around her?

sam put on a movie that i didn't pay attention to because i was too busy staring at the girl next to me, who'd occasionally look back and smile a bit, but most of the time she'd just blush and keep staring at the tv. she scooted a little closer to me and i wrapped my arm around her shoulder somewhere along the line, and after a little while she fell asleep on my shoulder and i fell asleep with my head on hers.


*sam's pov* (oh shit i'm switching it up)

while i watched tv, i noticed colby and steph had fallen asleep on each other a few seats away. they really were cute together; i'm happy they found each other. i'm just wondering when he's gonna ask her on a proper date- i mean, they've probably already kissed a million times.

i decided to meddle a bit and embarrass them, because when do i not? i got up as quietly as possible and took a picture of them, sending it into the house group chat.

sam: look at our lovebirds
*picture attached*

devyn: awwwwww i knew she liked him the second they met. they're adorable :)

uncle elton: someone scare them awake tomorrow morning, i wanna see how embarrassed they get😂

aaron: yeah, they're getting too comfortable. this is a house of crazy people, not lovey-dovey teenagers lol

corey: sam dude let's just scream and go crazy and shit to wake them up tomorrow

sam: hell yeah dude let's do it

i laughed to myself, knowing that both steph and colby where getting these texts, but they didn't know because they were asleep. they wouldn't see them until morning.


*colby's pov*

i woke up around 1:30 am unexpectedly, and i found me and stephanie all curled up next to each other. we must have stayed asleep down here.

i reached for my phone and saw i had a few texts from the group chat.
sam had sent a picture of me and her asleep on each other (what the hell, man?) and i saw that sam and corey were planning to scare us awake in the morning.

i wasn't going to let that happen, now was i?

"hey, cutie pie, wake up," i whispered, shaking steph slightly. she stirred a bit and her adorable eyes fluttered open and landed on mine, a little grin spreading across her face.

"what are you waking me up for?" she whispered back.

"i just checked my phone and found out that sam and corey were going to scare us awake in the morning. it was in the group chat, those dumbasses," i chuckled quietly.

"so, what do you want to do about it?" she playfully smirked.

"how about we go wake them up right now with some pots and pans?" i smiled, revenge dancing across my eyes.

"let's do it," she kissed my cheek and quickly leaped off the couch and dashed to the kitchen, me not far behind.

we grabbed two pans a piece and snuck up the stairs, and steph snuck into sam's room while i entered corey and devyn's. the second she started making noise, i did the same.

"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD," i screamed, banging the pans together and scaring corey shitless as he fell out of bed, devyn jumping up in fear. i heard stephanie yell from down the hall, "GOOD MORNING SAMUEL," as she made noise in his room.

"what the hell, man?" corey said, still in shock.

"don't plan pranks on us in a group chat we're in, corey," i smiled, laughing and running out of the room and into sam's.

"i was trying to sleep," sam said, wide awake.

"well, maybe if you want to scare us awake you shouldn't plan it where we can find out, sam." she smiled.

"good idea. goodnight, jerks," he laughed, sending us out of the room.

"i'm still tired. can we go back to sleep? i was enjoying that," she giggled a bit, in which i nodded and and we walked back downstairs to the couch. i snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her close, her nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck and falling into a deep sleep like a baby kitten.

my heart feeling like it was smiling as i looked at her lightly freckled face, drifting away to sleep.

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