Chapter 27: Young Forever

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She glanced around the street before turning her attention back towards the map, then back towards the deserted street again.

Jordan smirked as she came up with an idea. "Follow me," she said.

I followed her and four minutes later, without help from the map (it seemed that Jordan memorized the map inside and out), we were in a dark alley.

"Is this the part when some drunk guy comes out and tries to rape us?" I joked.

She smirked at my humor. "Maybe," she said as she continued to walk forward.

I glanced ahead, and even though it was dark, I could tell it was a dead end.

"Jordan, where are we-" I started but she placed a hand off my mouth, silencing me.

"You really are an amateur!" she scolded me. "When people are on a mission to be rebels, they don't say each other's name!"

My mouth formed into a perfect o. "Sorry," I told her when she unclasped her hand from my mouth.

Jordan shook her head and walked towards one side of the dark alley before turning back towards me.

"You coming?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

It was then that I realized I hadn't even moved yet. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts as I walked over to where she was standing.

It was then that I noticed a small part of something sticking out of the alley. I squinted, trying to get a better look.

I found a hinge and my brain started functioning. A door! It's a door in an alley.

Jordan slipped a key into a slot beside the door that I hadn't even noticed. The lights on the slot didn't turn green, red, make a noise, or anything. Jordan pulled the key out and then opened the door with the same smirk she'd been wearing for the past ten minutes.

We stepped through the door and my mind immediately began to take in my surroundings. We were in some unknown club. Or at least it was unknown to most people.

I smiled at the thought of a secret club. And I was in it.

Jordan and I walked over to the bar and Jordan told the bartender, "The usual." He immediately began fixing up our orders.

"So," I started as the bartender was mixing the drinks, "I take it you come here often."

She shrugged but had a smile on her face. The bartender then came back and handed us our drinks and we both took a sip.

"I guess you could say that," Jordan said, before downing the rest of her drink. I stared at her as sh finished it, getting every last drop before smacking her glass on the counter.

She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. A light went off in my head as I mimicked her, downing my drink, getting every last drop, and finally smacking my glass down on the counter.

I looked back to her for approval and she grinned.

"What next?" I asked her over the loud music.

"What's next?!" she asked me like she couldn't believe I was asking that. "We haven't even started," she yelled.

I opened my mouth to answer but before I could, Jordan took her empty glass and smashed it against the counter. I followed along too, watching as the clear, glossy figure turned from one piece to a billion little specks all over the floor.

Jordan grinned as she hopped up on one of the bar stools mounted to the floor. She then jumped on the counter as some random guy in the crowd handed her a mic before disappearing into the sea of people. The DJ started blasting a song and I didn't recognize it until Jordan started signing. I have to say, for a rebel, she had an amazing voice.

It All Began With A LetterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora