chapter eleven: vlog footage.

Start from the beginning

i rolled up the edges of my short sleeves, decided this was the best my appearance would get, and grabbed my wallet and phone and went back downstairs to find just colby waiting.

"where's everyone else?" i asked him.

"still getting dressed."

"we live with a bunch of divas, don't we?" i chuckled, sitting down next to him and continuing to wait for our high maintenance friends. 


colby brought his camera along while we all headed to the mall. aaron and corey went off to do some shopping by themselves while devyn, sam and i stayed by colby.
he whipped out his camera and pressed the record button.

"alright, so we're at the mall and about to do some shopping. where should we go first?" he questioned, looking down at me and pointing the camera in my direction.

"how's topshop?" i suggested.

"good choice. race you there!" sam said, darting off in front of the rest of us.

"damnit, sam!" i screamed, running after him and devyn and corey trailing behind.


*colby's pov*

"damnit, sam!" stephanie screamed as she took off after him on the way to topshop.

"why are we friends with those two again?" i asked devyn on camera.

"i have no clue," she smiled back, and i turned the camera off.

"hey, let's catch up," devyn said, running off and leaving me to be the last one to run to the store.

as i ran down the mall behind devyn, i saw sam and stephanie standing in front of topshop, and ran faster just so i didn't waste time.

"jesus, why'd you do that?" i wheezed out, finally arriving by them.

"because i wanted to see how fast you'd chase me," sam laughed.

i pushed him jokingly and we went in the store. devyn ran off to go look around and i took out my camera again.

"alright, so what are we doing in here?" i asked steph and sam.

"i need a new pair of jeans," she told me.

"alright, let's go jeans shopping," i chuckled and followed her with the camera.

"are you gonna be filming me all day?" she asked, looking to the camera and back to me.

"the world needs to know who you are. wanna play the question game? i ask and you answer?" i smiled from behind the camera.

"dude, that's called and interview," sam said, laughing at me.

"whatever. first question: what is your favorite part about living in the house with us?" i asked, panning the camera back to steph as she sorted through the skinny jean racks.

"ah man...i think i'll have to go with the being able to spend your money all the time." she giggled at sam, who faked an astonished look.

"wow, stephanie, you're so rude!" he yelled.

"alright, second question: why did you decide to become friends with us?" i smirked.

"i decided to become friends with you guys because my life was pretty uneventful and i needed some fun people in my life to make me happy, and i think you guys were the best people i could choose." she smiled sweetly, and i winked from behind the camera, causing her to cover her blushing face.

"nice. third question: which pair of skinny jeans are you gonna buy?" i joked.

"these ones." she picked up a pair that looked just like the ones she had on, only they had rips in the knees.

"what a choice!" i laughed, turning off the camera.

"why'd you make me blush on camera? i everyone's gonna see it and wonder what happened," she pushed my arm.

"i didn't do anything, you just are easy to get to," i smiled, kissing her cheek and earning a groan from sam.

"guys, pda is gross."

"shut up, sam," i replied.

the day went on like this, in and out of stores, stupid questions and all kinds of footage with our friends being dumbasses, and after a while, we got hungry and decided to grab some food.

"i'm fricking starving dude," corey said, who had taken my camera and started vlogging.

"we're going to get food right now," i said, looking at him behind the camera.

"aw hell yeah!" he screamed, gaining the attention of a few passerby and handing me the camera.

"he's crazy." i said, turning it off again.

i walked with steph and the rest of our friends to the taco bell in the mall and we all ordered some burritos and stephanie got a baja blast, as usual.

"is that your favorite drink?"

"i guess so," she said, taking a sip as her nose scrunched up from her little smile.

we all sat down in a little seated area and went nuts. i set the camera up on the table next to me and started recording so i could add in a time lapse of us having fun for part of the vlog, so i made it look like the camera was off and secretly filmed everyone while we ate.

elton was the last to finish his food, and once we were all done having fun and eating we decided it was time to go back home and i'd edit the video.

"home it is," sam said, leading us out of the mall and back to the car.

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