Chapter 19 Ride.

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(Flitz's P.O.V)(EDITED)

I saw that Wes and (Y/N) are bus buddies on this trip. I take out my camera and take a silent picture. I have already started to make a slideshow of some of their encounters. Edited and Everything.

 I am always looking for cute moments. They just happen without someone having to push it or plan it. You know except the plan to make them meet. We wanted that to be special.

After i take the picture Lazercorn taps me lightly. I turn to look at him and he gives me a weirded out look. "What are you doing?" He asked. I put a finger to my mouth to indicate to be quiet. "What?" He says quieter. "I'm making a video for Wes and (Y/N)."  

He still looks confused. I guess someone that dyed his hair orange doesn't like to connect the dots! "I am making a relationship video for them. So when the get married they can look back at old times." He smiles wide. I guess he likes that idea. 

"I mean that would be cool if it happened. Want me to help?" He asks. "I can take a good picture of them. Like go to the front and ask them to smile for a picture."  "YEAH!! You could help me edit it to. I am not the best at editing but i know you have experience."  We talk a little bit more about it and he agrees to help out in the project. We shake hands and he goes over to take the picture.

(Y/N) P.O.V)

Me and Wes sit in our seats waiting for everyone else to pile in the bus. "Are you excited for your first winter games." Wes asks breaking the silence. "Is this even a question. OF COURSE I AM. I have watched your other ones wishing i could be there to. This actually happening is all a dream." He laughed. "Well have fun. It's a journey." 

We talk a bit more about what is gonna happen until Lazercorn comes up to us holding his phone. "Smile!" I put my arm around Wes and squeeze him tight. He does the same as we both smile as big as we can. "Dorks." Lazercorn grins as he walks back to his seat next to Flitz. i pull out my phone to text Lazercorn.

To: Bestie #1

 Can you send me that picture :)

A few minutes later i got a notification. He sent the picture. I open my phone to look at the photograph. The picture was SO cute. We both looked like complete dorks. Which we were. "Wes look." I say tapping him on the shoulder. He looks over and looks at the picture. I saw him blush a bit but you could see him beaming. "Please send that to me." He says. I nod and send the picture. 

To: #1 Dork

(Insert picture here)

(Wes's P.O.V)

I look at the contacts we made for each other and grined. I was #1 Dork and she was TheDorkiestDork. Maybe we should take the work Dork out of our vocabulary. NAH!

I look at the picture. IT IS SO PERFECT! It kinda looked like we were a dorky couple. I'm not complaining. We are such goofy people and this is such a goofy picture. Really brings out the best in both of us.

Putting appearance aside the lighting and everything was good to. It looked like it had a filter but nope. it's a beautiful picture with beautiful people. I save the picture to my camera roll and set it as my background. I think (Y/N) saw because she shoved me playfully and giggled. "What are you giggling about." I say shoving her back. She lets out more giggles and we have a full on shoving fight.

 People started vlogging us. I noticed but i don't think (Y/N) did. She kept on laughing like a maniac  shoving me playfully. We did that for 5 minutes until (Y/N) noticed the cameras. She didn't care. She finished her laughing and calmed down. 

After we calmed down and people turned there focuses i decided to break the tension."So who is the person you live with?" I ask forcing a conversation. "Her name is Everly. Her nickname is Ever. She is really nice and a good friend but she has been gone for awhile. I text and call from time to time but she never answers. I don't want to upset her with being worried about her so i'm not gonna freak out."  "Does she know your here."  Her face shot up. "POOH!  She doesn't. Better text her now before we loose service." She quickly takes her phone out and texts fast. 

She leans back and sighs. "So anyway continue on with your questions and what not." She says. "Are you seeing anyone?" I ask bluntly. I hope that doesn't scare her away. It could have been to soon. "Nope." She says popping the 'p' "I am to weird." She makes the funniest face. I burst out laughing at her dorkyness. She is my soul mate.

(Mari's P.O.V)

I sat next to Sohinki because i wanted to talk about Wes and (Y/N). He doesn't really get the true love thing so i need to persuade him to get on board. Yeah he thinks they are and will be a cute couple but he doesn't see that they are PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER! "SOHINKI COME ON." I yell but only he could really hear because of  all the noise. "I don't think they are a bad couple. I just don't think they are a match made in heaven." He shrugs and stays glued on his phone.

 We hear a bunch of laughing. We both look up to see whats going on. Perfect! (Y/N) and Wes are having a little fun fight. SO CUTE!!! I drag Sohinki over to the spread out group. Everyone is filming but keeping their distance to not disrupt them.

HOW CAN SOHINKI NOT SEE THE LOVE. "You see this." I whisper in his ear. He just nods and watches the two laughing there butts off. Once they stop we head back to our seats. "Do you believe me NOW!" I ask. "I mean yeah..kinda." I sigh in anger. Nothing can move this guy. "I don't think they're a bad couple. I think they would be very cute together. I just don't think they are soul mates. Like out of this WHOLE world they are the perfect couple. Not to burst your bubble or anything."   "Well i think the-"  "MARI I HAVE MY OWN OPINIONS OKAY" He said.


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Hope you still like this story. Maybe i should stop saying the word dorky.....I'm loving it. ba ba ba BA BAAA!!

This Chapter was finished at 10:37PM 8/22/17

Well that's it Love ya Birdies Cya~J.Birdie  

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