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I had been super stressed out the past few days with work and hadn't really seen James much.

He would come over and see me at my house every once in a while but I wouldn't really pay attention to him and just continued to work, and he'd just sit in my room.

I could tell he was getting frustrated and I felt really bad but I still had to work.

I crashed my face onto my desk and screamed in frustration as I continued to work on this.

"Rem, are you okay?" Chris asked poking his head into my room.

"Yeah, just fucking peachy."

"Well, James is here if that makes it any better." Chris stepped aside and James stepped inside.

"Hey, babe." James said walking over to me.  Behind his Chris shut the door.

"Ugh, hi James." I said and went back to what I was trying to accomplish.

He sat down next to me and watched me work for a little bit.

"So, what exactly are you doing?" He asked.

"James, seriously could you just shut the fuck up for like five seconds!" I snapped.

"What is your problem lately?!" He asked aggravated at me now.

"For fuck sake James I'm actually trying to work and you are just always trying to stop me because you apparently think I have no life outside of you!"

"Oh, well sorry for actually wanting to spend time with my girlfriend!"

"And I understand that but I need some time away from you so I can concentrate on this! This is really important to me and when you're around I can't concentrate!"

"So what your saying you don't want me around?!"

"That's not even close to what I'm saying! What I'm saying is I need just some time with myself so that I can concentrate on this and get it done before the deadline!  This is a huge project and it means a lot to me and my job."

"Fine, I'll leave tell me when your done with whatever your doing and then I'll come and distract you!" He yelled before storming out of my room.

"James, stop.  You're being overdramatic." I said following behind him through the house.

"Oh, I'm the over dramatic one?!"

"At the moment yes! You're acting like a child!"

"I just wanted to come over and talk to you and your just being such a fucking bitch about it!"

"Well, I'm sorry I have an actual fucking job.  It's obviously been so long since you had one you don't even under stand!"

"You did not just go there!"

"What the fuck are you going to do about it huh, make a rant video about how much of a bitch I am!?"

"Wow, you're just so funny aren't you, and you know what maybe I just will!"

"You know what why don't you just fucking leave!"

"Fine! I will and you can concentrate on whatever stupid bullshit your working on!"

"I will, an I'll actually make some progress without you surrounding me 24/7!"

Without another word he stormed out of the house slamming the door behind him.

I yelled in frustration as I grabbed handfuls of my hair and stomped my foot like a child.

"Rem, do you need something.  Do you want to talk or anything?" Kim asked behind me.

"No, I just want to be alone and work!" I snapped at her before running off back to my room and locking the door behind me.

I sat back down at my desk and set my hands on the keyboard.  I didn't type anything I couldn't even remember what I was in the middle of.

Tears gat had threatened to spill out when we were arguing finally fell and withing a few seconds I was full on sobbing.

I had always been this way when it came to anyone yelling at me.  No matter how angry I was as soon as someone raised their voice I would start crying and I had no idea why.

I just really didn't enjoy arguing but fuck who does he think he is just demanding all of my attention.

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