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James: where are you.

Rem: you do remember that I don't live with you, right?

James: well you might as well.

Rem: lol, by the way you might wanna stop by the store to get some milk.

James: did you drink it all?

Rem: moron I'm lactose intolerant.  I just remembered it expired a couple days ago.

James: oh, okay.  Well anyways when will you be back I miss you.

Rem: James I've been gone for one day.  You do remember I have my own house.

James: but you live with roommates you don't like I'm just saying it's not that hard to move.

Rem: are you asking me to move in with you?

James: no, but I mean you could if you wanted to.  We've been dating for almost like six months.

Rem: I'll think about it.  I'm still paying rent here and it would take a lot to be able to move.

James: okay well on a completely different not do you wanna go watch the emoji movie with me.

Rem: you really know how to romance a woman don't you.

James: is that a yes?

Rem: I want to watch it just because it seems so bad.

James: k I'll be by at like 6

Rem: see you then.

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