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"Oh. My. God!" I yelled as I walked into his new house and a small ball of floof ran up to me.

I fell to the floor on my knees as I started petting Ein while she licked me.

"Ahhh, I love Corgi's!!" I yelled and heard James laugh behind me.

"I'm starting to think you like my dog more than me."

"You are correct!"

"Yeah, well, the dog like me more, so."

"Shut up."

"So, do you wanna get to what I invited you over for."

"What do you mean I already am." I said rubbing Ein's belly.

"Hey, Ein c'mere girl." He said sand she immediately left me.

"You're a piece of shit.  Won't you just let be happy!"

"Nope!" He said picking Ein up and petting her.  Just running it in my face that she liked him more than me.

"I hate you." I said pouting.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

I suddenly remembered what outfit I was wearing and smirked.  Well if he's going to be this way.

"God, this shirt is uncomfortable."  I said pulling it above my head and throwing it somewhere.

"Dude, c'mon, I want to keep the house cl- oh." Through the shirt he couldn't see the outfit very well so when I took the shirt off he finally got a good look at it.

He set Ein down on the ground light and walked over to me with a look in his eyes that excited me.

"You're so frustrating sometimes you know."

"You sound like my dad."

"You really know how to ruin the mood don't you."

"I like to pride myself on that."

Without another word he crashed his lips on mine and lead me to his bedroom.

He threw me down in his bed and climbed on top of me.

"I've waited three months for this again." He said and kissed me roughly.

**Ahhh inappropriate!!**

I woke up incredibly warm and realized I was curled up in James' tattooed arms.

Ein laid at the foot of the bed curled up with blanket.

I turned around shimmied myself closer to James and started falling back to sleep.

I fell back asleep and woke up to James sliding out of bed.

I gripped him tighter in an effort to make him stay.

"Get off." He said laughing as he tried to pry my arms off of him.

"No, you're warm."

"I have to pee."

"I don't care."

He finally succeeded to pry me off and I laid on the bed.  I curled up in the blanket and Ein waddled over to me and curled up in the blanket with me.

I reached me hand out and started stroking her back.

"I love you Ein." I said pulling her closer to me.

"You just gonna lay in bed all day petting my do-" James started to ask before I cut him off.

"Yes!" I said loudly and kept petting her.

He just laughs and strolls away.

A little while later I can smell food coming from what I guess was the kitchen.

Ein ran away from me to go get food I'm guessing and I finally unrolled myself from the blanket and stood up.

I walked over to James' closet and stole a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I changed into them and laughed as I walked.  The pants were way to big for me and the bottom of the legs trailed behind me.

I walked into the kitchen and saw James standing in front of the stove with Ein right next to him begging for bacon.

I walked up behind James and wrapped me arms around him.

"And she lives!" He said laughing.

He finished cooking and set it on a plate on the counter and sent the frying pan on the stove that had been turned off to let it cool down.

I snagged a piece of bacon from the plate and started eating it.

He turned around to face me finally and smirked.

"Are you wearing my clothes?"

"No...." I said with a mouth full of bacon.

"So you just come to my house, pet my dog, wear my clothes, and eat my bacon?"

"You're the one that wanted me to come over."

"Fair enough." He said before leaning down and kissing me.  "So, what time to you have to get to the office or whatever?"

"I don't have to work on weekends." I told him.

"So we get the entire day together.  Well, what do you want to do?"

"Can I just spend all day with Ein?"

He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Do you want to go watch a movie while we eat?"

"Dude, the bacons already gone!" I said motioning to the now empty plate.

"Well do you want to go watch a movie?"

"Sure.", I said and he lead me to his living room and I sat down on the couch while he started going through his movies.

"What movie do you want to watch."

"Do you have mean girls?"

"I wish I could say no."


He put in the movie and sat down on the couch with me.

I laid down with my feet sitting on the arm of the couch and my head resting on his lap.

Ein jumped up and laid on my stomach which made it even better.  I fucking love this dog.

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