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It had been three long months since PAX but now it was time for E3.  I had told James I wouldn't be able to make it because of work but the real reason I couldn't make it was because I was moving.

The company that I worked for had said that I was doing so well and had such potential that they were going to send me to one of their other offices in California.

I had yet to tell James that I would be moving about ten minutes away from his new house.

Of course the house I'm moving to I still have roommates because I'm still broke.  It was three collage students and that was as much as I knew about them but that didn't really bother me. 

A bunch of my stuff had been sent ahead to my new house, I only the basic things I needed as I was actually leaving for California today.

"Rem, I can't believe you're actually leaving."  Charish - One of my other roommates- said.

"This is a huge approtinity for me and we all know it."

"Also she'll be closer to James!"

"Whatever, guys, I've got to go."

"Text me when your plane lands!!" Clarissa said hugging me tightly.

"I will, now guys, I've been trying to leave for the past hour, I'm going to miss my flight!"

"Bye!" They all said in unison and I finally walked out of the house with Charish close behind me as she was the one driving me to the airport.

I had a few suitcases packed in the back seat because I didn't delete like putting it in the trunk 'cause for some reason that seemed like to much work.

I slid in the passenger seat and Charish started driving.

Almost and hour later I was on a plane on my way to California.

James had been a bit upset that I wasn't texting him back much.

I was next to a newly married couple who were on their honeymoon, I was next to the window and listened to them tell me the story of how they met and a bunch of stuff like that, and I would occasionally reply.

"And then she spilled her ice cold coffee all over me in thirty degree weather."

"Wait, why did she have ice coffee if it was so cold out?"

"Because I love cold coffee."

"But, anyway, so I'm standing there.  Soaking wet and freezing. And she just stands there watching me freak out and tell at her.  And the only word that left her mouth was, 'man, I really wanted that coffee'."

I continued to talk to them the entire plane ride.  I explained to them about my long distance relationship with James and what I did for a living and they told me more things about their life.

"So, wait how many siblings do you have?"

"Nine." I told them.

"Are you the youngest?"

"No, in the middle child.  The youngest just turned seven."

"How old is the oldest?"

"Thirty five."

"Oh, are they all as short as you?"

"No, I'm actually just barely latter than the youngest two. All of my brother's are over six foot."

"Then why are you so short?"

"It's a long story.  I don't really like to talk about it."

"Oh, sorry."

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