Chapter 3

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I looked behind Joey Dickweed to see the hottest guy I've ever seen, wait his sister? I looked at Lily, they did look alike. They both had that dark brown hair and those dark blue eyes, though Lily's was longer and was wavy. Joey growled, What the hell was with up with all the growling. Joey and hot dude, who was gothic by the way ;D, stood nose to nose. Both glaring at each other, that is until to teacher wiggled her way in.

"That's enough!" She yelled, both guys flinched.

"Lucas, go back to your seat. Joey go to the princaple's office. Riot, take Lily to the bathroom." Ms. Cotton said, I nodded and looked at Lily who was crying. I grabbed her arm and lead her to the bathroom...well she lead me to the bathroom, she really fast by the way. She was dragging me to the bathroom.

"Damn Lily, I think you pulled my arm out of sockit." I said rolling my shoulders, Lily's sobs were all I heard. I sighed, I wasn't good with crying people.

"Lily, who was he." I asked sitting next to her, she layed her head on my shoulder and cried.

"H-his n-name i-i-is J-joey P-parker, w-we use to d-date. B-but I-i b-broke u-u-up w-with him s-so h-he c-c-could be w-with s-s-someone b-better!!!!" Lily said cring even louder, nearly blowing my eardrum out.

"Lily, please stop screaming and why did you do that? If you loved him so much, you should have stayed with him." I said, remembering the last boyfriend I had...he was a total sweet-heart. Did everthing I asked for, never did anything mean to me, and would follow me to the end of the world, but it didn't last long. He was killed by rabid dog, I still love dogs and any animal for that matter, I just make sure they have their rabids shot. After Lily calmed down she started talking.

"Joey had the chance to be anything he wanted, and he was going to go there, with me by his side. But then I found out that I'm not what he needs, so I broke up with him so he could find someone better." Lily said looking at the ceiling, I sighed and patted her shoulder.

"Well come on let's get out of her, the teacher is probly wandering where we are." I said getting up, Lily nodded and got up too.

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