Jorge Lorenzo ~ Ducati Team

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"Ms. L/N, Mr. Lorenzo wants to see you..." (1000 words)


"Ms. L/N," her head shot up to see her assistant, Alessandra, standing outside her door, "you got a meeting scheduled with Mr. Lorenzo today and it starts in fifteen more minutes."

"Oh, I completely forgot about the meeting," Y/N was thankful that Alessandra reminded her, but she had no idea who she was meeting with. "Alessandra, who's Mr. Lorenzo?"

"He's the new vice president for the company," Alessandra spoke up as she remembered what the staff email had stated. "and he just started working for us today, so he's fairly new."

Y/N nodded her head and closed the screen of her laptop as she stood up from her chair and decided to head to the meeting early. "I'm going to go early, I'll be back after the meeting's over."

Her assistant nodded her head in response and knew what to do while Y/N was away at the meeting.


"Oh, Ms. L/N! You came early," Y/N heard someone speak up as she entered the room. She assumed it was the new vice president, Mr. Lorenzo since he was the one she was having a meeting with. He was not who she expected at all. Mr. Lorenzo looked like he was Y/N's age and she could tell he was from another country. Nonetheless, she thought he was a handsome man, but she knew she had to push those feelings down.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Lorenzo," she smiled and outstretched her hand for him to shake. "Y/N is fine with me. After all, it is my name."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N," Mr. Lorenzo spoke up as he shook hands with her and smiled back at her. "And, Jorge is my first name, so I don't mind if you want to call me Jorge or Mr. Lorenzo."

Y/N could tell that Mr. Lorenzo (or Jorge as he just revealed) was from Spain as his accent was thick when he spoke in English.

"You are the CEO of the company, correct?" Jorge asked her as he took his seat; his dazzling hazel eyes looking into her shining E/C eyes. She nodded her head in reply and confirmed her position.

"Yes, I am the CEO of the company," she spoke up and maintained eye-contact with the new VP.

"And how would you say they're performing?" Jorge rested his hands under his chin as he looked at Y/N with an intent to learn more about the workplace.

"I'd say we're doing fine financially," Y/N started to process her thoughts and say them out loud to Jorge, "but, we do have some issues with people quitting their positions after just working for two to three weeks."

Jorge nodded his head as he typed it down on his laptop and looked at the fellow executive in front of him, "anything else to add?"

Y/N shook her head and told him that was all that she had. "Nope, that was my only main concern, Mr. Lorenzo."

"Alright, I can see what I can do to solve the current situation," she shrugged her shoulders and Jorge nodded his head once more.

"That's all I had to ask you, Ms. L/N," he cleared his throat and shut the screen of the laptop down as he got up from his seat and went to shake hands with Y/N again. "It's a pleasure of mine to meet you and I'm looking forward to collaborating with you more, Ms. L/N."

"And, I do too, Mr. Lorenzo," she smiled as she shook hands with him again, "let me know if there is anything else you'd like to discuss with me."

"Will do," Jorge gave her a 'thumbs-up' as she got up from her seat and left his room to go back to hers.


"Ms. L/N?" Y/N heard Alessandra speak up again, which had caught her attention, "Mr. Lorenzo wants to see you."

"Send him in," she nodded her head and the door closed for a moment; only for it to open again and Jorge entered her room.

"Ah, Jorge," Y/N smiled as she pointed towards the chair in front of her, "please, have a seat."

Jorge nodded his head as he took his seat across from Y/N and smiled. "I hope I wasn't interrupting you with anything, but I just stopped by to ask you something."

"Oh, sure," she nodded her head as she closed her laptop and looked into Jorge's hazel eyes, which sparkled when he was looking at her. "What would you like to talk about?"

"I know it's probably against the policy," he started to speak up as he maintained eye-contact with her. "But, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out to dinner with me sometime?"

"Oh, wow," her cheeks started to heat up as she thought about it. "I'd love to go out to dinner with you."

"That's great," Jorge smirked as he grabbed a Post-It note from her desk and wrote his number for her. "I'll text you the details about the dinner, but does tomorrow night at seven work for you?"

Y/N nodded her head and smiled as she got another Post-It note to write her number for Jorge, "Dinner tomorrow night does work for me."

Handing the sticky note to him, they both had a smirk on their faces and also spoke up at the same time as Jorge started to get up from his seat and go back to his office room, "I'm looking forward to dinner tomorrow night..."


Hi, I'm back with another update! I left the ending there for now, but would y'all like a part two to this? It'll probably be posted after a few one shots I'm going to update with, so let me know if you want a second part to this. Anyhoo, keep an eye out for the next one shot, which will finally be the Valentino Rossi one shot. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this one shot; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!

- Priya 😀

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