Dani Pedrosa ~ Repsol Honda

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"This is so embarrassing..." (1220 words)


"Qué demonios está pasando con usted, Pedrosa?" (What the hell happened to you, Pedrosa?) His good friend and teammate, Marc, whispered under his breath in Spanish as he looked at Dani, who was distracted by something. "Dani, are you alright?"

"I went on a date with someone last night," Dani sighed as he rested the controller on the coffee table in front of him a moment before he let out a sigh, "and, it did not go so well because she thought I was too short for her."

"Oh, you're too good for her, Dani," Marc disapprovingly shook his head at the fact that Dani's 'date' was height-shaming him. "She shouldn't have shamed you like that."

"Oh, Marc, let's face it," he sighed in defeat as he slumped down the couch, "I'm never going to find a girlfriend."

A knock came at the door, which made Marc turn his head around and get it. Y/N stood on the other side and had a smile on her face.

"Hey, Marc," Y/N greeted him as she handed him a few sheets of paper, "Shuhei wanted me to give you this; it's just a few strategies your crew had come up with how to improve the bike."

Marc nodded his head as he listened to Y/N talk about the strategies he was holding in his hands, "should I let my crew know if I like these or not or should I email you?"

"Either way is fine," Y/N shrugged her shoulders and stayed professional, "although, if you do email me, I'll let your crew know. But, if you tell the crew yourself, I think they might appreciate it more when it's coming from you."

"Okay, Y/N," Marc smiled at Y/N and thought about what he should do once he finished reading the list of strategies.

"Well, that's all that needed to be discussed," she chuckled to herself and spoke up one last time, "thank you, Marc. I'll see you later."

"See you later, Y/N," Marc laughed as he closed the door and looked back at Dani, who was confused.

"Who were you talking to?" Dani spoke up as he looked up from his phone and looked at Marc with a look of confusion on his face.

"Oh, I was talking to Y/N," Marc remembered the conversation he had with Y/N just moments prior. "She's the new deputy team principal, I don't know how you still haven't met her yet."

"I haven't had a chance to meet her yet," he shrugged his shoulders, which caused Marc to gasp loudly.

"Dani, I think she'd be perfect for you." He smirked to himself as he turned around and left the room to come up with his plan.


"Oh, Dani! Hi," Y/N's cheeks heated up when she saw the Spanish rider in front of her as she stood in the elevator.

"Hi, Ms. L/N," Dani chuckled as he pressed the floor he wanted to get to and leaned against the wall as the doors closed.

Y/N laughed and shook her head, "you can call me Y/N, Ms. L/N makes me sound like an old person."

He nodded his head and blushed as he looked into Y/N's beautiful E/C eyes, "sorry, it's my first time meeting you and I got nervous. It's nice to meet you, Y/N, I heard so much about you from Marc."

Dani noticed that he was a bit taller than her by probably about 2 inches (5 cm) and she was also roughly his age. He smiled to himself as he thought that the tiny height difference between them was adorable.

Just as Y/N was about to reply to his statement, she and Dani both jolted a little bit as the elevator, all of a sudden, came to a halt.

"I am so sorry," they both said at the same time as they almost collided into each other as soon as the elevator came back to its normal gravity. "This is so embarrassing..."

"Before the elevator jolted, I was going to tell you that I was sorry for not getting to meet you." Y/N spoke up as she did a ¼-turn pirouette and faced Dani with heat still rushing to her cheeks. "But, from Marc, I also heard great things about you."

Dani smiled from ear-to-ear as he heard her talk and he cleared his throat to prevent him from saying 'I love you' or anything like that. Well, it was growing on him that he had feelings of romantic love for her, but he didn't want to scare her off immediately.

"Marc also told me that you went out on a date with someone who shamed you for your height?" Y/N cleared her throat and frowned at the fact that Marc had told her about what happened to Dani a few nights prior. "I know it's none of my business, but she sounds like some snob who you're way too good for."

He admired how she wasn't afraid to say what she wants to say and his cheeks heated up once more as Y/N ended her sentence.

"Oh—uh, yeah, I haven't had the luck to find a girlfriend who likes me for who I am." He nodded his head and looked down at the floor, but he felt Y/N cup his face in her hands and made him look at her.

"Nadie merece ser avergonzado por su altura," (Nobody deserves to be shamed for their height.) she mumbled under her breath in Spanish, which made Dani surprised and shocked. Resting her hand on his shoulder, Y/N sent him a breathtaking smile as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and had a proposal for Dani. "How about you and I go out on a date some time?"

Dani nodded his head, not being able to find the words to form complete thoughts as he was taken away by how beautiful and intelligent and strong she was. "That sounds wonderful, how about dinner tonight?"

"That works for me," Y/N smiled and was caught off guard when she felt Dani press his lips on top of hers, but nonetheless, she still kissed him back. "Does 6:30 work for you?"

"6:30 works perfectly for me," he chuckled as he pulled away from the kiss and looked into her beautiful eyes, "I'm looking forward to the date tonight."

"So am I," she giggled and felt the elevator shift again; signaling that it was working again. The doors opened once again and the two saw Marc standing on the other side with a smirk on his face.

"Going up?" Marc innocently whistled as if he didn't pay the elevator technician to halt the elevator for a few moments to give Dani and Y/N some time to themselves. He smirked to himself as he knew that his plan definitely worked...


Hi, I'm back with another update! Just a quick FYI, I do start school again next Tuesday (Sept. 5), so I don't know how often I'll be able to update. But, I'll still be updating with one shots while I can before I do go back. Anyhoo, keep an eye out for the next one shot, which will include Luca Marini. And other than that, I hope you enjoyed this one shot; have a GREAT rest of your day/night, and I'll see you later! Bye!

- Priya 😀

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