The Benefits/Adventage

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You see, not many people know the benefits of learning another language. There's so many benefits and wonders of being linguistic. I do know this, as an American, we tend to only speak English. Although the ones who come from multiple backgrounds and their parents just move here from their native country tend to be Bilingual or even Trilingual. Some people go as for as being a Polygot (Someone who is Multilingual).

Here is a List of Benefits on why being Bilingual is awesome for you.

• You can boost brain power.
• You can stall Dementia and Alzheimer by a couple of years.
•Improving your memory.
•Your mind becomes even more Keen and Alert to your surroundings.
•Improved Decision-Making
•You can even improve your Native Language
•You can enhance your performances
•Makes a person more open to other Cultures. It opens more doors.
•Employment will be easier for you. Jobs are always looking for Bilingual and Trilingual people to work for them. I also heard you get paid more.
•Boosts up your self-confidents.

There are many more benefits as well as there being more reasons why you should learn a second language. Believe me, being Multilingual is not only fun but very beneficial.

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