Under 6 Months

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One thing about learning a language is by first... knowing what you'll like to learn. We have to choose one that we know for sure what we'll be into. That's by starting to learn a little about your heritage/lineage. Knowing a little about your background can bring back the languages that your ancestors have spoken. Choosing where you would want to visit. So if you want to visit Asian or Some African countries, why not learn their languages?

What many people don't tell you, is that you can learn another languages under 6 months. How? of course hard work and dedication... but it wouldn't necessarily be hard work. It'll be easy and you just got to know how to make it fun. Remember, as babies/toddlers, we would just pick up on words and start forming sentences because our parents spoken to us? Do you see the difference? We didn't learn grammar and forming sentences while we were one. We learned vocab But the difference between now and when we were babies, is that we heard the language since birth. Our brains were like sponges. We heard our native languages through music, movies and shows, from our families, and from games we had played. That is the key in learning another language. Starting from our roots.

Listening to Music, Watching Tv Shows, Movies, and Programs, Playing games and Speaking to Someone in the language you are willing to learn will be the biggest key factor in learning another or multiple languages. You'll eventually get used to hearing the langauge, pick up on the words, start to even get to know their written systems (Alphabet, Letters, Characters). It'll become easy. Now you're able to recognize the language.

Now that you are listening and watching. You'll also need the essentials to learn the grammar, vocab, how to write sentences, and learn how to speak. I have many apps that I use that will help you out.

*Mango Languages: This particular app is only free if you have an account with your local library. The library has to be connected to Mango for you to have access to all 70 languages. Depending on which language you are willing to learn, each languages may have about 10 Chapters and within each Chapter may have about 3-8 Lessons. Mango introduce you to the cultures, overhear conversations between native speakers, watch suspense-ridden action flicks/movies and sing along to songs. I love... LOVE Mango. It's extremely useful and lets not forget. You can add 5 other members onto your account. They'll have their own profile and login so they won't mess up on your courses.

*HiNative: Is a great way to speak to another Native Speaker or any other speaker who is nearly fluent in that particular language. Understanding how amazing it can be to speak to someone as who speaks that languages. Everyone is so nice and helpful. This is one of my favorite apps. It's also free.

*HelloTalk: Is just like HiNative but I'll say, a little better. While it is free, it is also very limited. You can become a VIP member and pay $2.99 a month. With hellotalk, You can translate, fix sentences from people who wants to learn your language, Speak to them so they can hear how you say certain words. Although I love both HelloTalk and HiNative and Recommend you should get bother. HelloTalk is a little better.

*Apps I haven't Quite Used Just Yet: I heard that Babbel, Memrise and Doulingo are very good apps to also learn another language. I have downloaded them but have yet to actually use them, which will be very soon. Both Babbel and Memrise are limited free but if you want to exceed you'll have to pay.

You now have music, movies/tv shows, apps and native speakers to help you along your journey. What you do next its completely up to you. I can tell you this tho. Start by speaking and learning sentences and vocab before you get into grammar.

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