The Negative

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Many of us went through middle/secondary/Jr high school & high school having to take 2 years of Foreign Language Classes. The classes were either Spanish, French or German. Which doesn't help many of us. Simply because there's about 20-24 students in a classroom. And many of the students may have not taken the class seriously. I mean, that is to be expected. We were forced to learn languages we may not have been interested in learning in the first place. As well as having many class clowns.

We take these classes for a good two years and then we go on learning more math, English, History and Science. What happened to all the grammar, vocab and sentences we have learned in Spanish or French classes? Most of it goes away. We forget it. It doesn't stick in our heads anymore. So now those classes were pointless and were a waste of time but... it did introduce us into some of the culture and language.

Now I'm not going to sit here and bash Foreign Classes. Because it can honestly be helpful if the classrooms weren't too big (Student wise) and can have some one on one time. As well as having to take a language that you WANT to learn. I literally wouldn't mind taken an actual class with a teacher who has been fluent with the language for a good 3-4 years.

Allow me to introduce you on ways to learn a language... or maybe two.

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