Sorcerer Society VII

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Dylan and Lana, sitting under a tree reading books.

"I can't believe it's this hard to study magic." Lana complained.

"Fully understanding your art is the first step we must take. And I don't think you're even taking one step. Start reading." He answered.

Lana pouted but started reading.

"Transmutation basically is changing one thing from another"  Dylan thought.  "But changing one thing to another has limitations. Changing rock into water is impossible, you have to break it into smaller particles to easily transform it"  He continued.

Dylan stood up and walked a bit farther from Lana.

"I read  that all things have mana. So If I use mana as my main object for transmutation it will be easy to transmute anything".  He thought.

He raised his hands in front of him and thought of making a rock. Mana started circling around his palm, a circle like object started forming but then shatters and disappears.

"Hmm, I have the perfect image of a rock inside my head why didn't it materialize?" He thought holding his chin.

He then picked up a rock and started transmuting it into pebbles. He was successful and he then transmuted it into sand and was again successful. He tried transmuting it into water but failed.

"So transmuting an object to similar but different particles are easy, but transmuting it into a completely different form is quite difficult" 

"I see that there are newcomers that are very studious" Leon said while walking towards Dylan.

"Goodmorning sir" Dylan said. "Goodmorning" Svetlana followed.

"Goodmorning" He replied with a smile.

"Having troubles with practice?" Leon asked.

"A little bit" Dylan answered shyly rubbing the back of his head.

Leon looked at Dylan and Lana for a second. "I can give tips if you want" 

"I thought you won't be spoonfeeding us?" Dylan asked.

"What I meant was, we won't be the one developing your skills. Everyone has their own unique styles. You develop your own style but we can guide you on how to progress." He explained.

"As for you young lady" Leon said referring to Lana "One of the council members is a Conjurer, his name is Magnus. You better look for him and ask for tips.

"Aye aye!" She saluted and rushed off.

"We Council members often do lessons for Arts that we also possess. This was posted in the bulletin the day after your arrival, I guess you haven't gone around yet?" Leon said

"Well, I kinda misinterpreted your what you said about spoodfeeding so most of the times we were at the library." Dylan answered

Leon: "We are already starting our lessons and I noticed one of the new comer transmuter was missing so I went to find him. So, let's go?" 

Dylan nodded.

Leon touched him and in an instant he's in a room with a couple of newcomers as well.

Leon: "Now let us begin." He said with a smile. "Questions anyone?"

Dylan raised his hand. 

Leon: "Yes?"

Dylan: "Why is it hard to change one object into a completely different form?"

Leon: "Good question. Remember that each of you has their own element. For example, Transmuting your mana into fire when you're not a fire element is super hard but not impossible. But when one has Fire element and transmutes their mana into fire is a piece of cake. Now, try transmuting your mana into your element."

Dylan and the others held their hands in front. Dylan formed an image of a swirling wind on his palm and without thinking too much a swirling wind appeared on his palm. Everyone else was also successful.

Leon: "See? It's easy right? Knowing yourself first is important. And this will lead you into how you use your art and your element. To to put it simply, let's take me as an example. Growing up  with a family of blacksmiths I myself fell in love with Craftsmanship. I love creating weapons and also an adept of hammers and maces. When I first became a sorcerer and learned that I was a transmuter I always practiced on transmuting a chunk of iron or metal into hammers or what ever I find interesting. I enjoyed every bit of it but my style has drawbacks. I was only making weapons without thinking that I also have an element. After realizing that, I tried creating Javelins made of lightning, Swords that are made of lightning and many more.  And with combining transmuting and my element, I have grown endlessly and made the unique Magic Style that only I can do. Think of what you love the most and use it as an inspiration for your magic." 

Dylan: "Wow, I have learned a lot of things in this one lesson. Leon is amazing"

Leon: "Alright, That's it for today, see you all next week, same time same day. I hope you all have  figured out what your Magic Style in our next meeting." He then vanished into thin air.

Dylan: "I will definitely find out my Magic Style as soon as possible.

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