Sorcerer Society V

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The next morning everyone came back to the Hall. Leon is standing on the stage with a lady at about 45-ish age. She has grayish white hair and golden eyes. She's wearing a pink robe that drapes behind her. Despite her age she still have great posture and her aura is very calming and kind. Having her in the room makes everything feel warm.

"Good day everyone!" He greeted and bowed. Everyone answered back greeting him. "This is Magda, also a member of the council" Leon introduced.

"goodmorning children" She smiled.

Everyone felt her warm smile and greeted her back with a polite smile.

"Everyone loves you as always" Leon said smiling. "Now, she will be responsible for explaining about the Elements." He announced. "If you may?" Leon gestured giving Magda the floor.

Magda walked forward, glancing at everyone. "As we all know, everyone has mana, and mana is not visible to the naked eye. It can only be seen when casting a spell, but the aura that you see is not the casters mana but the mana suspended in the air, it attaches to the caster's mana making it visible without the need of a special spell."

"I am a Diviner, and diviners specialize in seeing things that are naturally unseen." She said and walked around to go down from the stage. "Our mana's color defines our Element. Red for Fire, Blue water, Green Plant, Brown Earth, Yellow Lightning, Pink Wind, Violet Dark, White Light" She enumerated while walking.

"Dark and light are particularly rare. Here in the campus we only have one Dark Element affinity and no Light affinity, Yet. That's how rare it is. And take note that there are around 2500 Sorcerers here" She said stopping in front of everyone.

"Now, I'm gonna cast a spell for you to see mana temporarily" She said lifting both of her hands to her mouth, she blew through them and a gust of wind flew towards them.

Everyone felt warm and cold at the same time.

"I can feel mana from this air." Dylan said trying to feel the wind

"Now look at me and Leon" Magda said

Everyone looked at them. Magda's mana is flowing calmy around her body while Leon's mana is gushing out of his body like it is endless.

"What do you see?" Magda asked. she looked at Llora and nodded

"I can see that you have the wind property and Leon has Lightning. But why is that both of your mana is behaving differently?" Llora asked

"Good question. Mana behaves depending of one's feeling. I feel calm thats why my mana is calm, and I think Leon here is excited for his fight later thats why his mana is behaving like that.

"But why are we not seeing our own mana?" The smart girl from before asked

"Another good question. You see our mana because we are using our mana shields. It is natural for all sorcerers to always use their shields. For abjurers, yours are always on but it has no mana yet so you cannot see it." she answered. The girl seemed satisfied

"Now, I'm gonna cast a spell so that your mana will leak out from your body" She walked towards the students.

"Form a circle around me" She commanded. All of them made a circle surrounding Magda.

Magda clasped her hands together and held it close to her chest closing her eyes and bowed her head down like she's praying. Pink Mana pouring out of her body, She raised her head, strong wind came out of her body and a big spell circle formed from her feet and rapidly enlarged reaching each of the sorcerers feet. The strong wind continouosly rushing out from magda's body.

Some of them are gasping with excitement. Looking at their own body, mana is flowing. different colored mana circling the air.

Dylan looks at his hands, Pink Aura flows out from it. He looks so happy and excited with the event. "Wind" he said

"Well well well, look what we have here" Magda said looking rather happy, still wind flowing out of her body.

Dylan looked at her and she saw her looking at someone beside him, which is Lana. He looked at Lana and White Aura flowing out of her. She looks GODLY, with the strong wind her hair is beautifully dancing with it and the White Aura makes her glow even more.

The wind stopped, mana still flowing out of their body. Magda went to Lana "Young sorcerer" She said holding her hands "Light and dark elements are rare because they are incredibly powerful. Use them wisely" She smiled and then walked to the stage.

"I told you I am one of a kind" Lana said to Dylan.

"You never told me that" Dylan said with a grin. Lana rolled her eyes.

Magda clapped her hands and the flowing of mana stopped. "That's it for today. What I suggest is go study on the spell to see other's mana and also how to activate a mana shield"

"Alright everyone, our next meet will be three days from now. I want to see your improvements. And you can watch my battle later at the stadium"

Leon and Magda waved their hands goodbye and disappeared.

"We are definitely watching" Dylan said. Lana smiled and they walked out of the hall.

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