Sorcerer Society VI

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Dylan and Lana are now sitting with the crowd looking down on an empty stadium where Leon will fight a challenger. Council members get challengers to replace them from their seats. Their seats are highly desired for its amazing benefits. The higher your seat the better the benefits. Leon is the 7th seat, the lowest among the council that's why he gets the most challengers.

"Good Evening everyone!" The announcer greets. "Today, the 7th seat has been challenged! Will he be able to defend his title? Let us all welcome, LEON BRANDISH!" The crowd started to cheer as Leon walks toward the arena waving to his fans

"And now, the challenger. He entered Sorcerer Society 3 years ago and now he managed to climb his way up from a new-comer to one of the well known Sorcerers in Sorcerer Society. We can say that he is on the top of Sorcerer Society excluding the council. Let us all give him a loud cheer, KIM GRIMAGE!"

Kim has short light blue spiky hair like that of a military. He has a very muscular physique. His eyes shows a very strong personality.

the watchers also cheered for him loudly giving support to both of them.

"The rules are simple, the first one who exhausts their opponents Mana Shield wins." The announcer said and paused. "BEGIN!" he exclaimed.

Kim opened his hands, big sharp claws of ice extended from his fingers. He dashed towards Leon and slashed him. but as soon as his attack hits, Leon disappears.

"What kind of art is that? I can't tell, but I'm sure he has water element" Dylan said to himself

Kim looked around him cautiously. He felt mana and then somersault backwards to dodge the attack, it was a concentrated electric jolt coming out from Leon's hands.

"I'm impressed, your detecting skills are quite impressive." Leon complimented his challenger

Kim smirked with confidence "Having THAT has made my detention skills sky rocket"

Leon smiled getting what he meant "Then I don't have any reason to hold back". Leon held his necklace that is shaped like a lightning, changed his body into electricity then dashed towards Kim in a split second. He changed back to his human form now holding a Steel Hammer ready to pound Kim. He Successfully strikes Kim and sent him flying colliding with the barrier that protects the audience.

The watchers cheered on the quick attack Leon did.

"Heh, so that's the famous Thor's Hammer" Kim said recovering from the attack.

"He made an ice armor" He said, seeing the crumbling ice from his opponent's belly where he has hit him.

Kim again dashed towards Leon continuously slashing while Leon dodges. Leon jumps high and shoots a concentrated electric ball towards Kim. He dodged and pushed his hands on the ground.

"Ice Spear" he said.

As Leon landed from his jump, Ice spears started to rise from the ground targeting him. He runs around leaping through the spears.

"Hah! I see that you can't always use that lightning body of yours" Kim said still his hands on the ground.

Leon now running towards Kim. Still, spears from the ground following him. As he nears Kim an ice wall rose from the ground to protect Kim but Leon just smashed through it and proceeded to attack Kim. As he is about to smash Kim he disappeared and a strong slashing attack from behind Hit him. Leon fell to the ground.

"Those ice spears are also my Markers. Now I will claim the 7th seat." Kim raised his hands and it formed a huge ice spear. He lowers it and pierced through Leon but Leon is once again gone. After realizing that Leon is gone he suddenly got electrified.

"GAAAAAAAAH!" Kim was electrified. He saw Leon not too far away from him. His face now looks different from before, he looks pissed and with a murderous aura coming out from him.

Leon waved his hand and created sparks around the whole arena. Kim nervously looks around looking at the sparks. The sparks became more aggressive, being near it gets you electrified. The sparks are all around the arena making Kim dodge everything making sure he won't touch anything.

"Fvck, this is such a wide ranged transmutation, I won't be able to attack" He said to himself while dodging all the sparks.

"DIE" He heard Leon say. The sparks grew bigger and looked like an extreme thunderstorm on the ground. The light was blinding and it's power is immense. The light faded. Everyone was quiet.

Kim is now lying on the ground, his mana shield exhausted totally motionless.

"I hate being physically hurt. I get pissed." Leon said staring at Kim's motionless body.

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER! The 7th seat LEON BRANDISH Defends his throne!"

The crowd went wild and cheered his name. Leon looked at the audiences and smiled the way e used to smile.

"What incredible power, If that is the power of the weakest seat in the council then how strong is the 1st seat?" Dylan said to himself and also in awe of what he saw.

"WHOOOO! YOUR THE BEST LEON!" Lana cheers beside him

"DAMN! That last spell he did was AH-MA-ZINGG!" She exclaimed making a big circle from her arms.

"It was BEYOND amazing! How can you dodge that shit ?! IT IS THE ULTIMATE SPELL!" Dylan also said with full of excitement.

"Dylan." Lana said holding Dylan's arms suddenly becoming serious "We are gonna go get stronger and be in the council"

"Are you kidding me? Did you just see what the council is capable of? That's the weakest of them Lana." He said "What we need to focus on now is learning how to use our art, You don't even know how to use them. So tomorrow we start our training." Dylan said getting ready to leave the arena

Lana thought for a second. "You have a big point there" She said still lost in her thoughts.

"Come on, research time" Dylan said walking heading towards the exit.

Lana followed him skipping with a smile.

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