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i cried into jj's chest,

i mentally scan through everything that happened,

next thing i know jj hugs me tighter and i give him a shove,

"you cunt! you made him go away! what did you do to him! where is he!?" i scream in anger as tears make tracks down my cheeks,

he takes a step back looking hurt.

"now, josh.." tobi trails off tying to calm me down,

"no tobi! i won't! not till this fucker tells me what he's done with him!"

"woah, woah, josh? what happened and who's 'he'?" ethan says as chip nods,

"jj! he took him away from me! he did! he took simon away from me!" i drop to my knees,

'i said his name..'

tobi rushes over to me,

"leave me alone!" i screech at him,

my breathing hitches in my throat and it becomes incredibly hard to breathe,

"guys! he's having a panic attack!" chip yells rushing over.

my legs hold no weight as my face comes closer and closer to the ground below me,

i catch jj crying before i hit the floor.




"josh!" tobi yells panicked,

"i-i'll get the nurse!" i yell before running towards her office,

i go fast so no one can object and i don't look at their faces.

sprinting through the halls i beeline it for the nurses office.

"no running mr. olatunji!" a teacher i don't know the name of yells behind me,

i ignore them.

"miss!?" i yell tearing open the door,

"yes?" she spins around in her office chair to face me,

"joshua bradley's having a panic attack under the bleaches! we need you!" i panic.

the nurse goes into serious mode and we make our way back to the boys,

the only sound echoing the halls is her click, click, click of her heels on the miserable highschool hallway floor.

we reach josh to see tobi holding him,

the nurse pushes her way forward,

"yo, what did you do?" jj snorts in my head,

"nothing!" i hiss under my breath.

i look at josh,

my eyes clouding with tears.

i spin on my heels with my hands in my pockets,

starting to walk away,

i don't look back.

"where are you going?" i look over to see chip holding my sleeve panting as he has to run to catch up to me,

"away, away from this hell hole" i narrow my eyes at him,

i turn to walk away,

"he loves you, i can tell by the look in his eyes. it isn't your looks, or your status, it's your personality. he thinks highly of you," i stop in my tracks.

"he.. he loves me?" i blink at him,

"yes" he says running back to the guys,

"and i love him as well."



i don't really recall anything that happened the last 27 hours,

after my, 'episode,' i was sent home with tobi and i plonked myself on his bed as i wasn't allowed to go home by myself,

my eyes started closing as tobi taps away at his computer with his keyboard and mouse.

"tobi!" a voice yells tearing open the door,

the shout makes me jump and fall off the bed,

i groan.

"manny! have you never learned how to knock!? and stop yelling." tobi glares daggers at his brother helping me off the floor,

"thanks" i mutter.

by now manny and left closing the door behind him,

"sorry about him, he's to excited for his own good. damn kid-"

"i think i love him" i stare at the ceiling.

"what!? my brother!?"

"jj, i think i'm in love with jj."


shit went doooown
please vote on the chapter after this one to please!
thanks guys

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