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"but he's a ghost."

my eyes widened as i panicked and looked at josh,

"lachlan, what have i told you? stop saying creepy things!" jj says, acting, but harry, ethan and even tobi buyed his lie.

"hey tobi? why don't you and the guys go get us lads a drink?" josh says smiling,

"sure!" tobi says as he and the guys walk away,

"get over here, now" jj says as he drags the four of us into the back corner of the garden.

"lachlan, what the hell where you thinking! you can't go blabbing about like that in front of mortals you nob-head!" jj curses lachlan's carelessness,

"sorry, i was just a little surprised that's all. i haven't seen a ghost since, yeah you know.." he trails off,

"ok, will someone explain what the fuck is going on?" i say looking at them.

"well my full name is lachlan power and my family is a generation of hunters or 'demon' hunters. some people call us exorcists though, but i prefer hunter" he explains,

"and this explains this, how?" josh asks.

"well the reason why my family is good at 'hunting' is because we have this certain 'power' in our family eyes. it's called true seek, only i inherited it though. it allows me to see people or monsters in their 'true' form." he explains.

"well, i for one got lost" i scratch the head.

"basically if you played hide and go seek and you weren't human he could see you through about 50 brick walls" jj explains,

"fair enough" josh says crossing his arms,

"but you're not gonna like, 'hunt' me now are you?" i ask, afraid.

"god no! i left that life behind" he smiles.


i fully fell asleep after i wrote this ^ kms

"that, i can confirm" jj laughs patting lachlan's shoulder,

i think to myself, punching in the digits,

"wait you mean-"

"yep, spent most of my younger years hunting this cunt over here. he's a sneaky little bugger, couldn't land a hit" lachlan jabs his thumb at jj.


"what do we have here? a loser hanging out with losers?" I am interrupted by three boys,

"mitch, jerome and preston? what an honor" lachlan narrows his eyes voice laced with sarcasm,

"very funny blonde" the kid named mitch sneers.

"blonde? i take offense!" i snort earning a nudge of the elbow from josh,

"what's this, even the joshua bradley is going insane by hanging around these losers?" preston laughs with the boys.

"tsk, tsk, tsk boys. i would've expected better" i look over to see jj shaking his head,

"who do you think you are, tough guy?" jerome laughs at his own joke,



i notice jj trying to stay calm after jerome's remark,

"we'll be on our way" i narrow my eyes as i go to walk past the boys,

"uh, uh. not so fast bradley, we're not finished here yet" mitch steps forward cracking his chuckles.

"step aside, pretty boy" jj backs me up,

mitch sniggers as he throws a punch at me hitting me directly on my nose,

i fall to the ground clutching my nose as blood pores out.

"bastards" jj mumbles before throwing a punch at jerome's jaw.

"yeah you know what? fuck you!" lachlan says kicking preston in the crouch and he crumbles to the floor, protecting what matters,

"josh? you ok? can you hear me?" i focus back into reality to see simon looking at me.

"y-yeah" i mutter still holding my nose,

i go to get up when i see mitch coming straight for me.

closing my eyes i wait for impact,

"what the fuck?" mitch yells hitting the dirt.

i notice simon holding onto my arm and his muscles relax and we become a solid again,

simon grins at me before kicking mitch unconscious.

"step back!" i look over to see lachlan pointing a gun towards simon,

"woah, woah. what?" simon says in defense taking a step back with his hands up.

"lachlan" jj gives him a side glare,

"shut up, i'm not having a repeat of what happened last time" he growls at jj and jj looks away.

he steps forward closer to us so he's standing next to me,

he lifts his gun at me,

last thing i hear is "sorry josh" and the bottom of his gun hitting me.



lachlan wyd??

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