I Know Who Vallavi Is

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"why did Alice thrust her hand out to me and say yaaay "
I am running to class with Cassie AKA Cass. I was asking about Alices behaviour whilst she was on her phone.

" I have already told you why she checked her books "

" she's checking to see if you are rich or not "something like that.
I nod to her to tell her I remember and to continue.

" well turns out you are not only rich but you run your own money "she looks at me for a while before staring at her phone then lost in thought
" well you are also rich so why was she bitter on you? "
I asked so the topic veers out of my life and money
It seems to work. HIGH FIVE
" oh well she used to like my brother a famous bad boy but he thought her as a one night stand only, so after f***ing her he broke up with her "
" ouch "
" yh and she made him promise not to tell anyone especially David Cameron "
" so how did she hate you?? 💁🏿"I asked getting a little bit confused
"oh well I, I kinda made a decision to show Natalya what a whore Alice Cooper was - and still is "
" did it work?? 💁🏿 and how would you have gotten such proof "
" she was dating two guys at the same time - my brother didn't know that. So when they were going to do the unspeakable..... "she took a sharp intake of breath before continuing
" I put cameras there and got the tape, she stole it after Natalya saw it but she doesn't know or she would hate her too "
I thought about it and something wasn't right.
" how come you are telling me about this - I mean I am glad that you did but still it ain't right "
" I just wanted you to know the kind of girl Alice Cooper is so when she comes for you - if she does, you would be prepared for it "
Hmm it doesn't fit in, she isn't saying all the truth, let me see:Alice Cooper is a whore she knows it so maybe sh-

" how did you know Vallavi?? - well apart from the school, how did you get to know her?? "
" pardon? 💁🏿 "a little taken aback by the information
She rolled her eyes at me
" you heard me "
Cass puts her hands on her waist.
Luckily I didn't have to explain anything for we reached history class.
" later "she growls at me

I sit at a vacant seat near a guy who had a wild pitch black hair and black eyes that seems to be teasing you a small pink lips that seems to smile at you - in fact he makes an angel go bad.

" ummm, what you doing? "
He was absolutely fit that I would have drooled if I were not mad at him
Keyword being if

" what does it look like? 💁🏿 "
Can't help but raise my brow at him
" I am sitting here "
" gasp "
Great now the whole class was looking at us, well until the teacher came in.

" tut tut, we have a new one amongst us - now where is she?...... Yes tell me something about you "
I wake up - get up to be more exact, I hear others whisper something like
" ooh she is HOT!! "
" DAMN would she be my girlfriend or something? "
" where she come from I need stuff like her "

" I am Mayre Nikita. I have a great friend named Mecoix. I am a very different vampire "
Well that's what my brother told me
After that people started asking me questions
" how old are you "
" 17 "
" when were you born "
" where you from "
" you virgin "
" what is that "
" you don't know what a virgin is "

" would you guys cut it out! Can't you see she is going to suffocate? "
And just like that the whole class quites down
" thanks "I whisper to the saviour the one who asked me what I was doing

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