Lauren's Secret

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Lauren: fam i need help

Cat: whats up babaygirl

Kelly: yeah whats up loz

Lauren: there's some girls

James: as in plural. You sleep around way too much

Lauren: no not like that. And ouch James what you trying to say

Ellen: you do sleep around a lot loz

Lauren: i met them in a chatroom and I'm scared when they realise I'm a n actress they'll treat me differently

Chandra: awe, babygirl

Cat: you gotta tell them if it comes up but not a minute before princess.

Ellen: i agree with my sis here

Kelly: i also agree

Lauren: ok fam. Quick question. What time we gotta be at the table read tomorrow?

James: table read starts at 5

Lauren: fuck sake 😒 catering better be good. I'm expecting waffles and pancakes

Kelly: we all are you're a bitch when you don't eat

Justin: i can vouch for that

Lauren: what you on about justin?

Justin: thursday on the set when you found out they had apple sauce on catering. You ran past me that fast that i was flung to the floor. I have the bruises to prove it.

Lauren: its apple sauce. What do yu expect.

Chandra: last week when they brought out mac and cheese you took the whole tub to your dressing room so you could eat mac and cheese without other people touching it

Lauren: its mac and cheese. Apple sauce and mac and cheese are a one off. Well 2 off

Camilla: pizza

Jerrika: donuts

Sarah: chicken

Ellen: anything as long as its edible

Lauren muted the conversation for 24hours

Chandra: oh no. What have we done

Kelly: im gonna go over to hers to see if shes ok

Ellen: good luck x

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