Chapter 1

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Lucy P.O.V. I walked into the guild. "Her mira!" 

"Hi Lucy! Oh and happy birthday."

"Hey Luce!" 

Maybe they will not insult me! 

"Okay!" I walked over to them.

"You are kicked out of Team Natsu. You are weak, helpless, and hide behind your weak spirirts. You are slut."

Tears filled my eyes. I looked up showing my face to them, "O...okay."

I felt pain sear my back. I looked back to see that Natsu shot her magic at me, Erza and Gray joined in. Soon the entire guild, even Master.

I yelled in pain. I ran out of the guild crying. "Why me?"

~At my house~

I had finished showering and badanging myself.

"Miss Lucy?" I heard Knocking on the door.

I opened it and saw the magic counsel. "Yes?"

"You have been asigned with the Orasion Seis. We think that are no longer evil."

I sighed, "Okay. But i don't have room."

"Yes you do we bought all the stuff you need, and you will get 100,000 a month."

"Thanks. Come on in."

Racer, Angel, Hoteye, Cobra, and Midnight came in. ANgel saw me bandages and aske,d 'Lucy? What happened?"


'Crap! I can't tell them. Maybe they will do it again.' I thought.

"DO what again?" Cobra asked. 

"Please stop."

Racer sighed, "OKay Miss Lucy."

I showed them their room and give Midnight some coffee. Angel and I were rooming together. I had Freed come  over and Rune the house so Cobra can't read my thoughts.

"So what happened?"

Tears brimmed my eyes, "Well today is my birthday, and i went to the guild and.."

"And what?"

"They attacked me, They called me weak, helpless, slut!" I cried.

Angel P.O.V.

'Fairy Tail, why!'

I sighed and hugged Lucy, "I'm so sorry."

Lucy cried, "It's okay." She smiled weakly, 'You didn't know."

Lucy sighed "the Halloween Party is soon, I got invited befoe they attacked me. I already know what i'm going as."

Lucy P.O.V.

Angel asked, "Did you get us costumes?"


"What is your costume Lucy?"

"A beat up girl."

"I don't see it." She pointed to the pile of Costumes i had gotten. (she got them for Team Natsu but she will give them to the Orasion Seis)

"Oh, well i want mine to be real."

"WHAT!?! Lucy you cant!"

"I want them to feel the pain they did to me!"

Angel P.O.V.

I sighed, "Lucy, you should rest."

She agreed and rested in her bed. 

"Poor Lucy." I walked out of the room and saw the guys at the door. "Ahem."

Cobra, Midnight, Racer and Richard ran to their room. I giggled.

"I thought so."

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