Chapter 15

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As Gandalf said, none followed. They began to slow to catch their breaths as it sank in that they managed to escape the creatures. Gandalf performed a headcount to be certain that all were accounted for. However, someone was missing.

"Where's Bilbo?" the Wizard asked.

Poppy's head shot up from where she collapsed at the base of a tree, wildly looking around for her cousin.

"Where is our Hobbit?"

She could have sworn he was right behind her. He fell in when trying to reach for her to get back as the cousin lunged towards Fíli and Kíli. Where was he? The Wizard's voice raised,

"Where is our Hobbit?"

"Curse the Halfling!" Dwalin growled. "He's gotten himself lost!"

"I thought he was with Dori!" Glóin pointed out.

The said Dwarf protested, "Don't blame me!"

"Well where did you last see him?" Gandalf asked hastily.

"I think I saw him slip away when they cornered us," Nori stated.

Of course, Poppy had not seen this when the hood obscured her vision. She lost him and looked back up the mountainside. It was already nearing nightfall. They lost an entire day inside. But none of that matter. She needed to go back for him, even if it was suicidal.

"What happened to him?" the older man wondered. "Tell me!"

"I'll tell you what happened," Thorin cut in. "Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it."

The young woman's head turned towards him.

"He's thought of nothing but his soft bed and warm hearth since he stepped foot outside his door."

"Don't speak about my cousin in such a way!" Poppy snapped. "He gave up everything to follow you on this quest!"

The Half-breed stood on shaky feet to glare at the Dwarf with such anger it made the others nervous. They had never seen her like this before, however the two didn't back down.

"I am not wrong. And why did you stay? You were leaving with him, wishing to be done with this journey! You're safe now, so go on. Go!"

"You don't honestly think I would let him wander back to Rivendell alone? There were Stone Giants out there! An Orc pack hunting us–!"

"And you think you could've kept the both of you alive?


"Then he has left without you!"

"He's still in there somewhere!" Her finger pointed back to the caves. "And if you lot won't help me then fine, I'll go on my own to search for him!"

"You'll be killed on the spot. Don't be foolish!"

"If it was one of your kin you'd go after them!"

"You will never see him again!" Thorin shouted in her face. The space between them had lessened considerably during their argument, having stepped closer and closer to make the other back down. "He is long gone! He left you behind!"

"Thorin," Gandalf scolded.

It was then the prince noticed the hurt look in her eyes. She would never believe Thorin's words, but the worry for her cousin's safety weighed heavy on her. If he had been in trouble and left for his own safety, Poppy would never blame him. But the fact she couldn't help him hurt worse.

"Bilbo would not do that," she stated. "Unless something was truly wrong and had no choice but to turn around. He wouldn't abandon us or me for that matter."

"Well, he did," he answered, no longer yelling.

The young woman's head shook in disagreement and walked away from them all. She fully intended on returning to the caves to search for the Hobbit.

"No, he didn't." The voice caused all of their heads to snap around in surprise seeing Bilbo, unharmed.

"Bilbo Baggins," Gandalf sighed in relief. "I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life."

The weapon in Poppy's grasp fell to the ground as she rushed forward to hug him tightly in relief. Tears fell from her eyes as emotion took over. "Don't ever do that again," she breathed.

"Sorry," he chuckled.

"Bilbo, we've given you up," Kíli smiled. Glad to see he was alright.

"How on earth did you get past the Goblins?" Fíli asked.

"How indeed?" Dwalin muttered.

The cousins pulled away and the Half-breed gave a wide smile. Who cared as long as he was safe? As a Hobbit, they were naturally light on their feet, and the Goblins had their sights set on the company. He managed to slip by them right under their noses.

"Well, what does it matter?" Gandalf asked, when the Hobbit hesitated. "He's back."

"It matters," Thorin stated. The prince stalked forward across the rock. "I want to know. Why did you come back?"

The Hobbit faced him and collected his thoughts before saying, "I know you doubt me. I know you always have. But it wasn't just because Poppy was here. I would never leave her."

She gave him a small smile in gratitude.

"You're right, I often think of Bag End. I miss my books, and my armchair, and my garden. See that's where I belong. That's my home. That's why I came back. You don't have one."

Thorin's hard expression seemed to break. Staring at their burglar with a newfound fondness for the selfless action.

"A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can."

"We both will," Poppy reassured. "It's not just about going on a journey to live a life long dream of ours. It's about assisting all of you."

The understanding, happiness, and relief of finding each other again was short lived as a howl echoed in the air. Dread filled them, completely on guard and raising their weapons. The Orc pack was approaching.

"Out of the frying pan," Thorin muttered.

"And into the fire," Gandalf stated. "Run. Run!"

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