Chapter 11

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The feast was not as large as the one the Dwarves created at Bilbo's hole in the ground. In fact, the bowls were only overflowing with green vegetables and dressings to add more flavors. None in the company were too pleased about it.

"Try it," Dori said, attempting to coax the youngest of the Dwarves to eat the leaf he examined between his fingers. "Just a mouthful."

"I don't like green food," Ori stated before dropping it back onto his plate.

Across the table Dwalin lifted his bowl before grabbing a handful of the food, removing it and searching the inner contents before stuffing it back in.

"Where's the meat?" he asked the others. But they were as stumped as he was.

"Have they got any chips?" Ori wondered.

However, such food would not be found in Rivendell as the Elves began to play music from their harps and flutes. Hardly traditional for their guests, who didn't seem particularly fond of the noise. Óin even stuffed his ear horn with a napkin just to muffle the 'dreadful' sound.

Eventually, Elrond, Gandalf, and Thorin joined them on the balcony, but at another table as the three discussed important matters. The Hobbit even saw the Wizard unfold the parchment that held the text they were searching to translate.

"Has anyone seen Poppy?" Bofur questioned. Their heads turned, looking around the table to notice they were one member short.

"One of the Elves whisked her away," Bilbo stated. But he wasn't worried because they were with friendly company. "I have no idea where they took her."

"You really don't have to do this," Poppy stated, staring at Arwen through the mirror.

"It was the least I could do," the lady answered with a kind smile.

Elrond's daughter had caught her arm as they were being escorted to dinner and pulled away down one of the many halls. But the Half-breed did not feel threatened following her with ease to a prepared bath and scrubbed every inch of her body free of dirt and blood.

"You're on a very important quest, and I'm sure coming across a decent bath is hard to come by."

"You have no idea," the young woman snickered. Her eyes scanned the scratches that lined her skin from their travels. "What was in that bath water? Everything's almost healed."

"Some natural herbs from the surrounding forest."

"That's amazing, really." Finally, the Elf finished braiding the curled hair, allowing the end to cascade over a shoulder. "I've never seen my hair so tamed."

Arwen laughed, the two exiting the room. "Your friends are on the lower terrace. Dinner has already been served, but Lindir will see to it that you are brought some food. I'm sorry, but I must leave you."

"It's no problem. I can hear them laughing from here."

Poppy walked through the halls, nodding to Elves as she passed out of respect. Finally, she came upon the Dwarves and her cousin. They had found a balcony to camp on, not accustomed to the fine beds that awaited inside. Of course they would sleep under the stars on such a lovely night. A fire had been made as Bofur sat cooking some links of sausage, the others digging into various salted meats and cheese brought along for their journey. Apparently Elven food had not suited them well for they ate like they missed supper. A low groan came from the table under Bombur, Bofur glancing down at the meat in hand before returning to the Dwarf,


Tossing the link, the large Dwarf caught it only for the table to collapse under him seconds later and sent him sprawling on his back. The company erupted into laughter at the sight, Bilbo's head turning upon hearing his cousin's laugh.

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