Chapter 13

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Bilbo shook the young woman's shoulder gently to wake her up. He needn't say anything when their eyes met. She gave a nod of understanding before the Hobbit began to quietly pack his things. Poppy blinked the sleep from her eyes and sat up to prepare. The now damp cloak was tugged on to her mild discomfort. But the sun would soon rise to dry it further. She passed Bilbo his coat before rolling up the mat and secured it in place on the knapsack.

Silently they crept around and over the sleeping Dwarves towards the mouth of the cave. The two only hesitated once when Bombur rolled over. They feared they had woken him. But when a loud snore erupted from his mouth the cousins pressed on. Both were just about to climb the rocks that lead out when a voice whispered,

"Where do you think you're going?"

The cousins jumped in surprise at being caught. It slipped their minds that Bofur was on watch. The Dwarf had been leaning back against the rock wall that was indented so he remained out of sight initially.

"Back to Rivendell," Bilbo answered quietly.

As the two made their way to leave again the Dwarf quickly stood to rush after them, "You can't turn back now. You're both part of the company. You're one of us."

"But we're not, are we?"

Bofur didn't answer.

"Thorin said I should have never come," Bilbo pointed out, "and he was right. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking." Sighing, the Hobbit shook his head. "I should have never run out my door."

"You're home sick," he tried to reason. "I understand."

"No, you don't, none of you understand!" Bilbo's voice rose. He quickly caught himself to quiet down when realizing he could wake the others. "You're Dwarves! You stick to this life, being on the road, not staying in one place, not belonging anywhere."

Poppy's breath caught in her throat, before hissing, "Bilbo."

His eyes flickered to her and then down at the ground. Those words had been very unkind. Bofur's lost expression only proved how much they affected him.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"No, you're right," the Dwarf admitted. He looked back into the cave and scanned the interior where the rest of his kin lay asleep. "We don't belong anywhere."

"He didn't mean anything by it, Bofur," Poppy whispered. The Dwarf gave them a small smile and clasped the Half-breed's hand in his.

"It was a pleasure meeting you. The both of you." The young woman gave a sad nod when he let go. The warrior then gave Bilbo's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I wish you all of the luck in the world. I really do."

"Goodbye. Tell the others... we're sorry."

They turned towards the mouth of the cave when Bofur's brows furrowed. "What's that?"

The comment caused them to pause and follow his gaze to Bilbo's waist. There was a light blue glow emitting from the sheath of the weapon Gandalf gifted him from the Troll horde. Hesitantly the Hobbit began to pull it free to reveal the shining metal.

"The blade is of Elfish make," Gandalf had said. "Which means it will glow blue when Orcs or Goblins are nearby."

"Oh no..." the blacksmith breathed.

Her eyes darted towards the cave with worry that they were somewhere in the shadows. Poppy's attention landed on Thorin, who was more awake then he should have been when their eyes met and caused her to tense. How long had he been listening?

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