Chapter 9

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First those in the sacks were released before moving towards the pit. Since there was little water around the camp, whatever was left of the flames were extinguished with their boots as they stomped it out. Only then could they cut them down. The large branch the Dwarves had been tied to was too large and heavy to be lowered, and they fell on each other when the rope was cut.

They groaned and shouted at one another from their uncomfortable landing, eventually righting themselves up.

"Come," Thorin called.

"Where are we going?" Fíli questioned.

"To find where these creatures came from."

All were quick to pack up their camp before trekking up the rocky slope through the forest. None were against the idea of distancing themselves from the once Trolls. It did not take long as they led the ponies after them before coming to a cave. The prince only took a handful of his comrades inside with Gandalf.

"What is that stench?" Dwalin questioned as they descended.

"It's a Troll dwelling," Gandalf stated. "Be careful of what you touch."

Their coughs and gags became muffled the farther down they went. Meanwhile, the rest of the company waited outside.

"Are you alright?" Poppy asked her cousin.

"Are you?" Bilbo asked. He had not meant to put her in harm's way.

She smiled. "I'm not the one with Troll boogers on them." He shivered at the thought even though the snot had long since dried. "When we find a stream I'll wash it out for you."

"You don't have to."

"No, but you look like you want to get as far away as possible from your own clothing."

"How did you know I was in trouble?"

"Fíli and Kíli came back to camp. I was the first one to rush off after you."

"That was dangerous."

"I know, but I promised to protect you." The young woman gave a short laugh. "Besides, I think any more Trolls will think twice about coming across our paths again if they see what happened to their friends back there."

Bilbo grinned as well before the group inside the cave emerged. Thorin carried a new blade in his grasp as he passed.

"Bilbo." His head turned as Gandalf approached them. "Here, this is about your size." A sheathed weapon was passed into his grasp.

"I can't take this," he protested.

"The blade is of Elfish make," the Wizard pressed. "Which means it will glow blue when Orcs or Goblins are nearby."

"I've never used a sword in my life."

"And hopefully you'll never have to." His eyes flickered to Poppy for a moment, sensing her worry before she looked away. "But if you do, remember this: True courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one."

Bilbo nodded, yet internally questioned the advice as to what his friend meant by that.

"Poppy." She glanced over as he pulled something from his waist. "For you." It was a short blade, heavy, but it almost felt natural holding it. "It was made by Dwarves from the Iron Hills. Strong. Sturdy. Durable for fighting your enemies."

"Thank you Gandalf." She then nudged her cousin's shoulder catching his attention. "When we know what we are doing I'll sharpen them properly."

Bilbo smiled in agreement.

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