Chapter 10

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With no other options the Wizard mounted his sled. The rabbits took off into the forest and broke through the tree line into a wide stretch of land not far away. However, it did not offer much coverage. The only things the company could hide behind were the scattered rock formations that were widely spaced apart. Radagast was up ahead, with the Orc pack following close behind to lead the enemy away from their location.

"That's a lot of Wargs and Orcs," Poppy breathed.

Fíli and Kíli could only nod in agreement when they peeked out from behind the rock.

"Come on," Gandalf ordered.

Running across the field they kept close together and their heads low. All of them watched for Orcs. The Wargs howled to call their pack to gather now that they had a target. Quickly the group ducked behind a rock as the creatures drew too close. Their backs pressed against the hard surface. Thankfully, Radagast steered in the opposite direction.

"Stay together," the Wizard stated. His eyes scanned the horizon before changing their course.

"Go!" Thorin ordered.

He took up the middle of the company. His eye on every Dwarf, along with the Hobbit, who ran up ahead beside the Wizard, and Poppy, who took up the back with Bombur. She tried to get him to run faster. Many up ahead were slowing when they approached a small hill. They moved around a rock only to realize the enemy lay only feet away on the other side.

"Ori, no!" the prince shouted.

He gripped the back of his shirt and jerked the youngest Dwarf to safety. It was a relief that he was not seen. They only waited seconds until Gandalf forced them onward to the east.

"Where are you leading us?" Thorin asked.

But the older man did not answer. The Dwarf's jaw clenched in irritation. Yet what choice did he have but to follow with an Orc pack on their heels?

Their breaths quieted when taking refuge behind another boulder. Once again they waited until the pack passed close by. Yet one Warg with an Orc riding it peeled off from the others. Instead the beast stalked to the top of the rock and began sniffing in search of a scent. It was too close, and Thorin knew it, nodding to Kíli. The youngest member took a breath to steady himself. This shot had to count. The Dwarf lunged from his hiding place and drew his bow. The arrow hit the creature's neck. It yelped while tumbling down the rough surface to land right in front of them. The company pounced on top of the two before either could stand. Their weapons hacked and stabbed at the bodies. But all it did was make them cry out louder in agony. Poppy's head turned upon no longer hearing the pack chasing Radagast. In fact, the field had fallen quiet as the terrible sounds beside her ceased.

"Gandalf," she whispered.

The Wizard realized their mistake. That was when the howling started again. Only now it drew closer to them.

"Move! Run!" Gandalf shouted.

There was no use hiding anymore. They ran blindly through the Wild. "There they are!" Glóin shouted. He spotted the pack closing in as they came charging over the hills.

"There are more coming!" Kíli stated.

They were being surrounded. Poppy reached forward to redirect Ori so he wasn't separated. "Kíli, shoot them!" came Thorin's voice further ahead. But it was no use.

"We're surrounded," Fíli stated.

"Where's Gandalf?" Dori asked. It was then the company realized the Wizard disappeared at some point.

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