Swimming In Blood {32}

Start from the beginning

I toss it aside and open the first aid kit.

I take a closer look at his leg. There is a cut along his calf, not deep. It won't need stitches. There is also a red irritation mark on his foot.

I take the disinfectant and soak a cotton ball. I lightly dab it along the cut.

"AHHH that stings!" Niall hisses, making me jump.

"You're awake." Niall nods. "How long?"

"Just now." He says watching me clean the cut, and cringing when the disinfectant gets in it.

"What happened?" I ask, throwing away the cotton ball, and grabbing some gauze. I place it along the stretch on his cut.

"There was a drop off. I walked backwards off of it. Then my foot got stuck and when I Was trying to get it loose, I cut my leg on a rock." Niall answers quietly, a fearful glint in his eyes.

I start to wrap his calf up, leaving his foot alone since it's hardly even red.

"Louis! Liam!" I call out. In the blink of an eye, Louis is by Niall, engulf in him in a hug.

"I was worried about you." Louis mumbles.

"Were you two outside the door?" I chuckle. Louis nods.

"I was so scared. I didn't know what was happening, and the water got in my lungs and it hurt so much." Niall whispers.

"I'm sorry. I should have been there." Louis says ashamed.

"I'm fine now." Niall smiles

"Ok Niall. I think you should rest. We leave tomorrow." Liam says from the end of the bed.

He nods and pulls Louis close to snuggle.

I coo at how cute they look. Subconsciously I let out an "awe"

"Fuck you Hazza" Louis says smiling as he kisses Niall's head.

I slip out of the room to give the lovely couple space.

"Harry, want to sit outside with me?" I turn to Liam who is holding out his hand. I take it, and we go and sit on the back desk.

I lean against my boyfriend as we watch the water slide up onto the sand, then back out, just to repeat.

I observe the white sand, and concentrate on how it glistens in the sun.

I feel Liam draw circles on my lower back. I sigh with content as a cozy feeling engulfs me 

"It's crazy isn't it?" I ask lightly.

"What's crazy babe?"

"This." I gaze up at him, then I turn back to the ocean. "Us. Them. Everything. So much happened in so little time."

I hear Liam chuckle before he places a kiss to my temple.

"I couldn't agree more. In all honesty though, I think this is all good. Ok, maybe not all of it, but I do think we will get some good things out of this." I smile at what he says.

"I also think it's crazy a lot of bad stuff has happened to Niall. I feel bad for him." I frown lightly.

"I wonder how he deals with all of this." Liam ponders out loud.

"I think it's because he has Louis, and us."

I know that's true.

He has us.

And, we all have eachother.


Word Count:



I hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter!! It was a little random, and a lot all over the place.

OK, So this chapter was inspired by a ream I had a while ago. Obviously, I changed a lot of things, but it's still relatively close.

You may be able to tell, this story is nearing it's end. It is coming, very, very soon. This chapter was a filler, just to put off the ending. There will be around 3-5 more chapters , then an epilogue to end it all. I know what I want to happen before this ends, and I know how I want this to end.

I will let you know what chapter is going to be the last one, so it doesn't just pop out of the blue.

I hope you have a stunning day!!

- Laylania xxx

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