"Yea, I think I just felt a contraction, but it was very light," she replied.

"Should we be timing them?"

"No, I don't think so.  Let's just try to get some sleep.  I'm exhausted," she said.

We went to our room and started getting ready for bed.  I knew that Rory had been having a lot of difficulty sleeping with the baby's growing size.  As she neared the end, nothing seemed to help her comfort.  I felt a little guilty being able to sleep the same and had no trouble falling sleep.

When I awoke a few hours later, I noticed she wasn't in bed next to me.  I panicked momentarily, but realized it was unlikely that she took off for the hospital without me.  I went downstairs and found her in the living room.  She was on the couch with the TV on.  I saw that she was awake.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked.

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.  I didn't want to wake you, so I came down here and fell asleep on the couch watching reruns," she replied with a pained look on her face.

"Is something wrong, Ace?  Are you having contractions?"

"Nothing is wrong, but I've been having mild contractions.  They aren't very close, so I didn't want to worry you," she said and a shocked expression was on her face as she looked downward.  I could see the growing wet spot.

"I think we'd better get you to the hospital, Ace.  It seems your water just broke," I said and ushered her toward the door.  I was glad we were already downstairs.

The ride to the hospital was quick.  I made a call to the birthing center to let them know that Rory's water had broke and we were on our way.  Rory called Lorelai, who was going to call the rest of the people who needed to know what was going on.  We go there, I wheeled her up to the room they had ready for us.  I stayed very close and held her hand while the contractions continued.  I assumed they increased in proportion to the tightness of her squeezing my hand.

"I think this baby is going to have to find another way out because she's definitely not exiting down there," she said, gritting through the pain.

"Are you ok, Ace?  Is there anything you want, or need?  Like some drugs?"

"I thought I wanted to do this, but this pain is getting worse and I don't think I want that.  Give me the drugs!  NOW!"

I buzzed for the nurse.  She came about five minutes later.

"What can we do for you, Rory?" she asked.

"I want, no, I NEED drugs!"

"Would you like a pain killer or an epidural?"

"Go big, or go home.  Give me the epidural!"

"Give me a few minutes, and we'll get you set up," she said and left the room.

I'd never seen Rory quite like this, and I felt so helpless.  I knew there was nothing I could do to take away this pain, so I stayed by her side and tried to comfort her the best I could.  I moved out of the way when they came in to give her the epidural.  A few minutes later, I saw the relief cross her face.  She drifted off to sleep after the nurse checked her progress.

I was able to relax for a bit.  I couldn't believe how much time had passed since we left home this morning.  Rory was doing so well with everything, and I was glad that she was finally resting.  I think it had been a long night for her if she went downstairs to watch TV.  I'm pretty sure she started having contractions before she went to bed last night.

About twenty minute later, the nurse returned.

"How's she doing?" she asked.

"Shortly after you were here, she fell asleep and has been out since," I explained.

"With the way she's been going, I'm guessing she's got to be getting close by now," she said as she looked at monitor.  "Her contractions are fairly close now."

I gently touched Rory to bring her out of her much needed nap.

"The nurse is here, and she wants to check your progress.  She said your contractions are getting closer," I said.

"How long was I out?  I can't believe I fell asleep during labor," she replied.

"You're at a ten.  I'll go get the doctor so you can have this baby," she said with a smile.

"I'm gonna have this baby?  She's coming out?" Rory asked.

"You're doing great, Ace!"

"I'm here, Rory!  Oh, good!  You haven't had baby Lorelai yet!" Lorelai said as she burst into the room.

"MOM!  I'm so glad you're here!  And we haven't picked a name yet!"

The doctor came into the room and made sure Rory was ready.

"Can you feel any of your contractions?" he asked.

"I feel some pressure, but it's definitely not the pain I felt before," she replied.

"Ok, when you feel the pressure, I want you to push," he directed.

The nurse watched the contraction charts and nodded to the doctor.


I watched Rory bear down and push.  I was on one side and Lorelai was on the other.  After a moment, she took a deep breath and gritted her teeth as she started pushing again.  This woman was amazing, and I couldn't believe I was witnessing this miracle.

"You are doing great," I said encouragingly.

For the next hour, Rory pushed with each contraction.  Lorelai had a cool, wet cloth on her forehead.  It seemed to help her.  I could tell all of the labor was starting to wear on her.  Finally, the doctor gave us some good news.

"Ok, the baby's head is crowning.  I think a couple more big pushes should do it.  Take a deep breath and push," he instructed.

Rory looked like she was in a lot of pain with the next couple of pushes.  The color started draining from her face and I started to get worried.  She didn't look good, but seemed determined to get this baby out.

"Keep pushing, Rory, the baby is almost out!" he said.

She pushed one more time and was trying to catch her breath when the doctor made his announcement.

"She's here!  Congratulations on your new baby girl!"

"She's here?" Rory asked breathlessly.

I saw her fade before my very eyes.  She looked as if she were drifting in and out of consciousness.

"She's fading fast!  She's lost a lot of blood!  We need to get her to surgery stat!"

Then her eyes rolled back into her head and her eyelids closed.  She'd passed out.

My heart sank as they handed me out baby.  I couldn't help but feel as if my soul had been crushed.  I couldn't lose her!

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now