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The last thing Jane remembers is going down into the fallout shelter with her family. She doesn't remember eating or going to bed so she is shocked when she wakes up on the floor with her bareback side covered by a blanket and to find that the only article of clothing she has on is a bra.

"What the hell?" Jane says in groggy tone as stands up and lets the blanket fall to the floor. She should worry about someone walking in and seeing her bare ass, but if she woke up this way, the person she had a good time with has already seen her ass so why should she cover it up now?

The first place that Jane enters is the bunkers living room, but she only finds an empty couch and the TV on. She found that odd, so she walks over to it and turns it off, but it cuts back on after she turned it off.

"That is fucked up." Jane says to herself. The next room she enters is the kitchen. She finds a table set and food out, but no had taken a bite it was like they were forced to leave or had to leave before they had a chance to eat. Now her curiosity was peaked, so she goes back and puts on a shirt and panties then a of pair pants. Then she goes outside and finds that everything has been wiped out by nuclear bomb.

Panicking would only make things worse, but what was a person to do when they woke up in a underground bunker in only a bra and had no clue where everyone else was? But Jane Kurtman didn't panic, she just went down into the fallout shelter and locked up. Then started to preparing a survival kit. She knew that once she went above ground that the water would be undrinkable so she grabbed her some bottle waters. Next she gets some bandages, peroxide, needle and thread, and other necessary items for a first aid kit. Then she got flash light and some spare batteries just in case. The last thing she got before packing everything into a backpack was an M-4 assault rifle and to magazines and knife that she holsters to her hip. The M-4 had a shoulder strap so that she could rest the gun on her shoulder when she was not using it. But she had no idea what she was about to face as she stepped outside, but she was about to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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