Chapter #21- Only Change is Constant.

Beginne am Anfang

"Listen, and listen well Van. You owe us" At the look she gives me, I ammend my words, "-you owe Hades and Becs-" Her face relaxes at that, "so you need to co-operate with us, got it?"

"Fine" She huffs but then asks, "but why is Bas gonna pretend to be my boyfriend?"

"I haven't agreed yet!" Bas sounds annoued from her side.

"You'll do it" My Mate tells Bas, and it looks like Bas is going to say something back, snap perhaps, but he seems to think better of it and keeps his mouth firmly shut, his lips tightened.

"Whatever" He looks away from us and out of the window, and I feel bad. Somewhat.

After a beat, Van asks hesitantly, "You didn't tell me the reason why..."

I sigh heavily and my Spice pats my thigh, holding back a smirk.

"You'll see" I tell her and before she can probe any further, I shut my eyes and start picturing the worse case scenarios.


The thing is, when I was picturing all the worst case scenarios, almost all of them had Tag flipping his shit and going bat shit crazy on my ass and starting to behave like a savage and destroy everything and all that jazz.

I know I have a wild imagination, bare with me.

So, back to my worst case scenarios v/s what really happened.

We pull in Little West and my Mate drives us straight to the pack house for dinner as it iss 8:30 in the evening and Vanessa is hungry enough to eat a horse.

A whole horse, she claims.

Dread fills my chest as my Alpha parks in the garage of the pack house and Bas is the first one to get out of the car.

He stretches and Van follows him out. My Mate turns to look at me.

"I won't let things get out of control" He swears and the honesty in his words make me calm. Somewhat.

He gets out of the car and strolls to my side to open the door for me.

I stay seated and when he leans in to kiss my lips, I find myself letting go of all fear. Bas clears his throat and announces, "As much as I appreciate a free show, the pregnant lady and I are hungry as hell"

I hide my blush of embarrassment with a glare and step out of the car with my Mate's aid, noting the look of longing on Van's face at the sight of us.

When she catches me looking, she looks away abruptly.

My Lys leads us towards the pack house and walks in without announcing hinself.

'It's useless' His voice that I have now become used to, rings in my head. I frown and seeing my confused expression, explains what is useless.

'Announcing ourselves when everyone inside can already smell and hear us'

I shake my head at his explanation and allow him to pull my hand and lead me inside, to the dining room, Bas and Van following right behind us.



I am a bad person.

It's the truth, you know? I am a bad person now.

I was not always bad. Before Janet came on my brother's and mine life, I can tell sincerely that I was a good person.

I always went out of my way to help people, always helped at the fundraisers my brother would hold, always volunteered at the homeless people's home.

Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt