Chapter 39: Snow White Has The Look Of A Princess, But The Attitude Of A Bad Ass

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"I don't know," I say.

"We should leave," Josh says and everyone starts arguing with him except my parents who are looking straight at me. I look down at my hands.

It's my choice.

Damn it, why can't I think about what Lilo would do?

"Shut up," Josh yells loudly and everyone stops talking. "We're leaving so that they can talk."

"Seriously Josh?" Vincent scoffs. "You're going to let them talk her into leaving!"

"Have the decency to allow her to make her own decision," Josh says directly speaking to my parents and I can hear the anger in his words, but he's trying his best to be polite. "It's the least you can do after everything you've put her through."

"Josh," Alex scoffs. "Are you really not going to say anything else?"

"I'm hungry. We should go buy some food," he says before turning to look at me. "You want anything Princess?"

"Sushi would be nice," I say trying my best to act normal.

Why didn't he tell me to stay?

"You got it," he smiles, but its not his usual ear to ear smile.

Is he sad?

"With a large coke please," I smile back and he nods.

"Are we all going to have to eat sushi?" Janet asks as they start leaving the room. "I kinda wanted a burger with some large fries."

"We'll be back in a few," Taylor smiles at me and I nod.

"Sweetie," my mom smiles once everyone has left the room. "What do you think about going home?"


I can't picture it without Lilo.

But I also want to see her room, her grave, and everything she loved about Colorado.

I want to be able to finally say goodbye.

But here I have Taylor, Pipper, and Mick.

I have Alex and Vincent.

I have Josh.

I don't know what choice to make.

"I need to think about it," I say.

"Elliana-" my mom starts, but my dad cuts her off.

"Take all the time you need sweetie," he says.


"Where is Josh?" I ask as I sip my coke.

"He had some things to do," Janet says giving me a small smile.

I think that's code for 'he didn't want to come'.

I don't understand him.

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