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lady gas began to sniffle upon her crumpling walls as her eyes began to periodically shiver
"unpredicted" screamed lady gas at the top of her shriveled raisin lungs
"no" said the tiny saggy little pig baby as she slowly emerged out of the weird lumpy floor
"ok" snarled lady gags as she slobbered her lovely strange substances all over peppas eyelid
"interesting" hissed the tiny saggy little pig baby
"doctor" said lady gaga
they went to doctor
"it is evil" grumbled the hot doctor as he gurgled dead babies down his throat
"omg!!1!1! u r lying. pls help u hottie ;)" said the tiny saggy little pig baby
lady gas violently sobbed beautiful shards of glass
"interesting" murmured peppa as her head grew 10 times its size and split into two
"ur ugly" slobbered doctor
"yes" shouted lady gas
they are in a house
peppa began to slither up her stairs as her glistening abs trickled all over her hot bod
"xD" whispered peppa in a seductive british accent
"hot" said doctor
the doctor is dead
"there is a ghost my fantastically hideous significant other" said lady gas
the ghost nibbled at peppas thigh
"hi" shrieked peppa
"lol wona b frind" said ghost as he quietly threw a chair in lady gagas earlobe

lady gaga x peppa pigWhere stories live. Discover now