Chapter Seven

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Hey guys!
So, school has just started back up for me, so I will only be able to update once a week. I will be updating every Saturday, maybe a double update on Sunday if I get enough free time on my hands. Besides that, I hope you enjoy the newest chapter! Don't be afraid to comment suggestions down below. Bye now!


The moment we were inside John had gasped and tried to run off, but I managed to catch him before he did, explaining to him that we needed to stay together and that we would see it all in time. We made our way into the glass hallway, which left the boys astonished. We were surrounded by different types of fish, crabs, turtles, and even a few small sharks. Luckily, the aquarium wasn't too busy, considering it was a weekday. Soon enough, all of the boys and Faith had split up except for Aaron, who had decided to stay next to me.
"This is beautiful, isn't it?" I asked, hopefully making conversation with the man.
He looked around, astonished with his surroundings, "Yes, it is." He replied, a grin forming on his face. "I will admit, I was a bit nervous when you talked about the whole surprise thing, but this is delightful. My girls would have loved this." He looked down, a grim smile making it's way onto his face.
"I'm glad you like it." I replied, debating whether I should bring up the topic of his wife and daughter any further. "What were your girls like?"
"Theodosia, my wife, was a genius. She was one of the few things that kept me grounded. She was so kind and selfless, traits which got passed down to my daughter, Theodosia Jr. She had my eyes and her mother's smile. She was my pride and joy... Unfortunately Theodosia died of an illness soon after our daughter was born. And when Theo was 29, she was lost at sea..." He trailed off, sadly. I grabbed his hand as a sign of comfort.
"I'm sure that your girls are proud of you, Aaron." I consoled, rubbing my thumb along his knuckle. He smiled gratefully, squeezing my hand in return.
I decided to change the subject, realizing he might not want to discuss his girls anymore, "So, how are you liking 2017? I haven't really gotten much of a chance to talk to you about everything."
"It's... Different. Definitely not what I thought it would be. But, its nice, it just has its... quirks." He explained, testing out some of the vocabulary I had taught the boys the other day.
"That's good. Oh, how was that book I lended to you the other day? The Outsiders?" I asked, remembering how he finished it within two days.
"I liked it. The concept was quite interesting, but I have to say. That poor boy, Johnny, deserved better. Dally too."
"Definitely, those guys who blew up the church are complete assholes and should be charged with second-degree murder, at least!" I exclaimed, passionately. I love that book. We continued discussing different books and topics, and maybe a little Finding Nemo. Just a little.

After a half hour of walking around we ran into the area where you can touch a few different fish and animals, and John squealed. While most of the guys thought that being able to touch the animals/fish was cool. KG screeched, running out of the room. It took us 20 minutes to find him on the opposite side of the aquarium and then 10 more minutes to convince him to come back into the room. That sure was an adventure.
"KG, please. You're acting like a child."
"I take it back, you aren't acting like a child. You ARE a child."
Soon enough, we had moved along to the penguins, (A/N: I know, penguins at an aquarium seems weird, but it's real. Just trust me.)
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Alex exclaimed, pointing at the penguins, a horrified look spreading across his face.
"Watch your language around the women, son." Washington scolded. I could've swore I heard Alex mumble "I'm not your son" under his breath, but I chose to ignore it.
I giggled at his reaction, "It's called a penguin, Alex."
"What is that supposed to be??"
"Well, by definition a penguin is a large flightless seabird of the southern hemisphere, with black upper parts and white underparts and wings developed into flippers for swimming under water." Faith explained, reading the definition off of her phone.
"Wait a second, did you just explain something to the boys without trying to permanently scar them?" I asked, pretending to be shocked.
"I guess I did." She shrugged, "I suppose that spending time with mother hen has changed me for the worst."
"How dare you speak to me that way?" I retorted, failing to hold back the ever-growing smirk on my face. "I am your mother." I ended up bursting into laughter, the others soon joining me.
We spent a good 45 minutes in the gift shop, which I ended up spending over $100 at. While most of us ended up buying a usual knickknack or two, John decided to purchase a four foot tall/wide stuffed turtle, which was on sale since it wasn't selling. I raised an eyebrow at his choice, but went along with it anyway.
Exhausted, we slowly walked back to the car, laughing about the things that had happened that day. The car ride was quiet, KG, Aaron, and Laf falling asleep on the way, a few others beginning to nod off as well. I quietly chuckled at the sight, focusing on the road. I had tuned out the conversation that was happening in the back. Well, I did until the phrase, "We were the Southern Mother Fucking Democratic Republicans." popped up from Thomas.
"What are the 'Southern Mother Fucking Democratic Republicans?'" I asked, holding in maniacal giggles, as not to disturb the others.
"It's what Jemmy, Aaron, and I used to call ourselves. Specifically when John Adams was running for president." He replied, grinning at my reaction to the group's nickname.
"Oh, wait a minute.. I remember that being in one of my college textbooks. It was talking about you forming the Democratic-Republican party. So, that quote exists..."
"My God. I wasn't expect that." He mumbled in slight amusement, the rest being astonishment. The rest of the ride was silent, not a bad silence necessarily. It was a needed one, especially after the craziness of our day.
Soon enough, I pulled into the drive way. Everyone was reluctant to get out of the car, but we did. We went to bed immediately, mumbling our "good nights", and went to bed. I was about to fall asleep, but suddenly my phone began to ring. I squinted to see that it was my landlord. Confused, I answered, hoping that it wouldn't be bad news.
"Hello?" I asked, slightly concerned.
"Hello, Ms. (Y/N). I'm afraid that I have some bad news for you..." She began. Goddamnit.
"What's wrong?" I mumbled, not wanting to know what was coming.
"I'm sorry to say that you're being evicted."

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