Chapter Four

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Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please don't hesitate to comment suggestions! I don't bite! Bye for now!

I woke up to the sound of Faith pounding away at her keyboard. I groaned, turning to face her, seeing as the sun had just started to rise.
"Dude, why the hell are you up?" I groaned, squinting at her.
"I can't sleep. I'm trying to figure out how the founding fathers are in your apartment." She replied, not looking away from her computer.
"Please tell me you found something, and that you didn't wake me up at the ass-crack of dawn for no reason." I said, sitting up.
"It's isn't the 'Ass-Crack of Dawn', it's 6:30. And I got nothing. Can't even find the author of that book. It's like the book itself never existed. It's insane." I whacked her with my pillow.
"I despise you with every fiber of my being." I said, standing up, throwing my hair into a messy bun.
"Yes, I love you too." She finally looked up from her screen, chuckling. "Dude, you look like hell."
"Thanks." I ran a hand down my face. "I should probably make breakfast, huh?"
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." I began to walk towards the bedroom door, but then i turned around towards Faith. "And try to be civil with Alex today, okay?"
"Okay?" I asked, harsher this time.
"Okay, mom." She joked, earning a slight chuckle from me.
I tip-toed downstairs to see that everyone was still asleep, so I quietly turned on my griddle and made some pancakes, flipping them every couple minutes. After a few minutes, I heard rustling from the living room, behind me. I turned around to see Lafayette sitting up, stretching his arms upwards, hair poking out everywhere from his messy ponytail. I chuckled at the sight, catching the Frenchman's attention.
"Bonjour, Mademoiselle (Y/N)" He greeted, tiredly, his accent thicker than usual.
"Good morning, Lafayette. How did you sleep?" I asked, making conversation.
"J'ai bien dormi. Merci. Et toi?" He replied, yawning.
"Laf, I don't know French..." I confessed.
"Oh, my apologizes, (Y/N)." He apologized. "I said I slept well. How about you?"
"Oh, I slept well, thanks." I said, flipping the pancakes once more, putting them on the plates I had scattered amongst the counter. I filled up nine cups with some coffee and carried all of the dishes to the table. I spun around to face Lafayette. Hey, since breakfast is ready, would you mind waking everyone that's down here? I'll get the guys upstairs." He nodded, and I went up the stairs.

I knocked on John and Alex's door. "Boys? Breakfast is ready!" I shouted through the door. I heard a couple of mumbled okays and I went into my room to get Faith.
"Woman, I have food!" I exclaimed, earning sleepy chuckles from the men exiting the room behind me.
"What is that?" She teased, "Am I being summoned, with FOOD?" She ran through the door, nearly knocking me over in the process. I smiled, shaking my head. I headed down the stairs to meet the others. The moment I entered the kitchen, a familiar crash resonated throughout the apartment. Frustrated, I smacked my head into the wall.
"It's too early for this shit." I grumbled, walking off in the direction of the crash.
It turned out to be a man named Aaron Burr. He was average height, with very short brown hair and brown eyes. I tried explaining everything to him, but the poor thing seemed so overwhelmed. He quickly became very pale and began swaying on his feet, so I gave him some water and sat him down, not wanting a repeat of John's situation. (I also attempted to feed him some pancakes, didn't work though). Luckily, he didn't pass out, but he remained quiet, only smiling and nodding need be. I tried keeping him away from Alex, knowing that a fight would occur, which it did soon after he arrive. Faith told me that Aaron killed him in a duel. Also, I don't think Aaron needs anything else on his massive plate of things to process, he has enough to deal with.
I decided that the boys needed some modern clothing, since they were all still dressed in their 1700's outfits.
"Boys and Faith! Can you guys come here for a second?!" I yelled through the apartment. Soon enough, the boys piled into the room, one by one. "We're going shopping! Let's go!" I darted out the front door, everyone else following close behind. It took a while to convince the guys that the minivan was safe and that they could get inside.
"No John, it doesn't fly."
"Laf, my car isn't explosive."
"Herc, no. The horses aren't invisible. Why do you look so sad about that?"
As the boys asked question after questions, I looked to see Faith doubled over in laughter, wheezing a few times. Grinning, I shook my head, joining the boys in the car. I honked the horn, telling her to get in. This of course, scared the men behind me, half of them jumping 10 feet in the air. (*cough* Alex *cough*)
The drive was pretty entertaining for the most part. Faith decided to sit in the middle row, with Hercules, James, and George, and began interviewing them, attacking them with dozens of questions. In the back row was Lafayette, Jefferson, John, and Alex. As I decided to stick to my plan of keeping Burr and Alex apart, I had Aaron sit next to me in shotgun. The drive itself was chock-full of hilarious anecdotes, maybe one or two teeny arguments, and explanations of the future. Example, being Faith trying to convince the everyone that cell phones worked by tiny people being trapped inside.
"Lying is bad, Faith. There are no tiny people inside of phones."
"Shhh, they don't need to know that."
Everything seemed to quiet down a bit, but then someone dressed in one of those stereotypical king outfits, jumped into the middle of the road. I cursed, doing the soccer mom arm thing to Aaron, and I swerved off the road, ramming straight into a stop sign. I smacked my head on the steering wheel and the last thing that I heard was someone yelling my name, before everything faded into the blissful darkness

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